[kictanet] In Court, Facebook Blames Users for Destroying Right to Privacy

Ebele Okobi ebeleokobi at fb.com
Mon Jun 17 00:58:09 EAT 2019

The issue here is that once you, for example, send a picture to a friend, that friend now has the picture. Even if you intended it to only go to that friend, you have no control over what s/he does with the picture. The same goes if you post a picture on Facebook, or Twitter, or even your own website. If someone downloads that image, you have no control over what they do with it. Even ephemeral apps or features, like Snapchat or Stories in Instagram or Facebook, even end to end encrypted Telegram or WhatsApp-all can be defeated by a recipient simply taking a screen shot of your image, without your knowledge, and you have no control, whatsoever, over that image. And neither does Facebook, or Twitter, or Telegram. 

That's what that phrase means. Does that make sense?

On 6/14/19, 11:03 PM, "kictanet on behalf of Alice Munyua via kictanet" <kictanet-bounces+ebeleokobi=fb.com at lists.kictanet.or.ke on behalf of kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:

    Still trying to understand perceptions of privacy/data protection. 
    Here is a really interesting coverage of recent Facebook courtroom debates.
    Face book says they have worked very hard to build privacy into all their products, but once you share information with your friends “you have lost control over the information and it’s subsequent disclosures”
    Here is the article: 
    Thanks Patrick, Ali, Barrack, Grace, Esther, Poncelet and others for your comments on the Mozilla privacy by default initiative.
    Very best regards
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