waudo siganga emailsignet at mailcan.com
Fri Jul 8 12:37:17 EAT 2016

Thanks Kivuva. Of course we just needed to show that we are doing
something but in my view; the bill is a load of nonsense that will not
succeed. I have been in this industry/profession for over 35 years
having been in the first computer science class in Chiromo in 1980 so my
views should be useful; it's just sad the whole thing was plotted as an
ambush until as late a having it in Parliament -possibly after sensing
that it would generate a lot of resistance. We are together and I'm
pleased I have so far not seen anyone supporting the bill on this list.
I hope it's not passed, but if it is, it will at best not work and at
worst inconvenience a lot of people.
On Fri, Jul 8, 2016, at 11:34 AM, Mwendwa Kivuva wrote:
> @Waudo,
> The industry has tackled the bill on multiple fronts. There have been
> memoranda from multiple sources to parliament in rejection of the bill
> in totality. Distinguished progressive Members of the National
> Assembly have also been contacted to fight for the interests of the
> community, and moreso the youth. All this effort culminated with the
> CS of ICT issuing the statement that went out on Wednesday.
> On that note, and to strengthen the process, it would be great if CSK
> approach it's lawyers, and members, and also submits a response to the
> Clerk of the National Assembly. Together we are stronger.
> Sincerely,
> ______________________
>  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi, Kenya twitter.com/lordmwesh
> On 8 July 2016 at 10:37, waudo siganga via kictanet
> <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:

>> Ali, Koris, Ngigi, and others - I hope we still get some advise from
>> our ICT legal minds e.g. Bomu, Muriungi, Sihanhya, etc. in order to
>> have a structured way forward Where, for example, and in what format
>> does one present objections to the MPs since the bill has already
>> been rushed there? Is it too late to stop the MPs from even
>> considering it? How come the CS has disowned it and yet it is still
>> moving forward?
>>  W.
>>  On Fri, Jul 8, 2016, at 10:12 AM, Waithaka Ngigi via kictanet wrote:
>>  > Ali,
>>  >
>>  > It's very clear now where this bill most likely comes from!
>>  >
>>  > And any one whose line of thought starts with "...the rate at
>>  > which technology evolves does not outstrip existing policy and
>>  > legal frameworks‎..." clearly does *not* understand technology,
>>  > which always outstrips policy & legal frameworks.
>>  >
>>  > If ICTAK wants to regulate it's own members, fine. Let them draft
>>  > the most draconian and I'll thought regulations they can‎. Just
>>  > don't impose them onto the rest of us.
>>  >
>>  > On another note, the ones with the 'powers'; the name ICTAK uses,
>>  > is it legal? It seems to give credence to the fact that they
>>  > represent ICT practitioners in Kenya, which the do not.
>>  >
>>  > Waithaka Ngigi
>>  >
>>  > Alliance Technologies www.at.co.ke    Original Message From: Ali
>>  > Hussein via kictanet Sent: Friday, July 8, 2016 9:09 AM To: Ngigi
>>  > Waithaka Reply To: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions Cc: Ali Hussein
>>  > Subject: [kictanet] Fwd: STATEMENT ON THE INFORMATION
>>  >
>>  > Listers
>>  >
>>  > Please see attached. Clearly we have a fight in our hands. Let's
>>  > not let up on this.
>>  >
>>  > Ali Hussein Principal Hussein & Associates +254 0713 601113 /
>>  > 0770906375
>>  >
>>  > Twitter: @AliHKassim Skype: abu-jomo LinkedIn:
>>  > http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and
>>  > thinking what no one else has thought". ~ Albert Szent-Györgyi
>>  >
>>  > Sent from my iPad
>>  >
>>  > >
>>  >
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>>  > ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst
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>>  The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder
>>  platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT
>>  policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for
>>  reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT
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