[kictanet] Draft National ICT Policy Discussions Day 8 of 10: Emerging Issues ( Big Data, Bitcoin, Internet of Things)
Barrack Otieno
otieno.barrack at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 18:18:16 EAT 2016
@ Tim,
Very interesting intervention, please add them to the list, i am sure
they will make a very meaningfull contribution by sharing their
experiences, meanwhile , i want to thank everyone who has edited the
policy document, this is the way to go, keep the comments coming.
Best Regards
On 7/1/16, Timothy- Coach- Oriedo via kictanet
<kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
> As we contribute on the topic today let me make aware that we currently
> have a Kenyan start up called Inuka Pap that is currently participating in
> the Barclays Techstars Accelerator Program in Capetown.
> It is a social entrepreneur company with a
> VAS proposition to SACCO members that enables them to access instant
> loans, cash advances, credit/debit card
> services as well other consumer services such as prepaid power,
> airtime, insurance all
> from Inuka mobile wallet.
> The instant loan mobile wallet is accessible through both USSD and mobile
> application. The loan can be withdrawn to M -pesa or from an ATM
> through Debit/credit cards - which are integrated with our systems,
> saving customers more than half the average transaction cost. Through the
> platform the SACCO can lend their own money or have iNuka Pap provide the
> float at an agreed shared interest.
> Founded by Waweru, George and Rachel I have asked admin to add them to the
> Listing. We will want to here from them also on the policy and how its
> affecting their innovation which they are configuring around the block
> chain technology.
> Let's appreciate them and refer as many Saccos as possible to subscribe to
> the platform. Here is the you tube link of the Demo Day they had in cape
> town yesterday....
> https:// <https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YF9Xp_I0aes>m.youtube.com
> <https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YF9Xp_I0aes>/watch?v=YF9Xp_I0aes
> <https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YF9Xp_I0aes>
> Regards
> Timothy Oriedo
> ICF Certified Coach, Chartered Marketer, Technology, Media & Telco
> Enthusiast
> FB, Linkedln- Timothy Oriedo
> Skype, Twitter @timoriedo
> 0722 816171
> Thank you Barrack,
> Though I have to admit I am not sure how I can tamper with such policy
> documents so professionally crafted :D
> Mine will be to suggest what I think is also needed to be done and I am
> sure the Kictanet community with the CS will be able to understand how it
> fits within the context of the document.
> Ahmed
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Ali Hussein via kictanet <
> kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
>> Grace
>> On the mark and on point. Maswali nyeti unayouliza.
>> *Ali Hussein*
>> *Principal*
>> *Hussein & Associates*
>> +254 0713 601113 / 0770906375
>> Twitter: @AliHKassim
>> Skype: abu-jomo
>> LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim
>> "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking
>> what no one else has thought". ~ Albert Szent-Györgyi
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On 1 Jul 2016, at 10:36 AM, Grace Githaiga via kictanet <
>> kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
>> The issue of virtual Money/BlockChains is gaining traction all over the
>> World. I was in a meeting recently and one question that most people
>> asked
>> me when they learnt I was Kenyan was on what were my thoughts around
>> block
>> chain technology disrupting our famous mpesa. Unfortunately I had no
>> answer
>> for them but it got me thinking. I am glad that someone on this list
>> shared
>> this link
>> https://followmyvote.com/online-voting-technology/blockchain-technology/
>> which
>> explains clearly how it works, at least for those who are not conversant.
>> It is a worthy read.
>> My questions:
>> 1. Considering that Kenya has taken a lead in issues of technology,
>> should
>> we be concerned about block chain technology considering it kinda
>> provides
>> a platform where no one organisation owns the data? And in light of KRA
>> wanting to compel safaricom to share the data of its subscribers?
>> 2. Will it disrupt Mpesa?
>> 3. Where is Central bank in this matter? Is central bank concerned that
>> technology is about to change the way it does business or will it wait to
>> make some unfortunate comment like it did recently on bloggers being
>> responsible for the withdrawals at Chase Bank?
>> 4. And where is Treasury in this debate? Is it concerned with financial
>> technology?
>> 5. Considering that this might be an idea whose time has come, do we
>> need
>> policy direction on this issue?
>> I believe we have an opportunity with this ICT policy to be futuristic.
>> Ama niaje?
>> Rgds
>> GG
>> ------------------------------
>> Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2016 06:13:08 +0300
>> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Draft National ICT Policy Discussions Day 8 of
>> 10:
>> Emerging Issues ( Big Data, Bitcoin, Internet of Things)
>> From: kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke
>> CC: ultimateprogramer at gmail.com
>> To: ggithaiga at hotmail.com
>> I think there is a huge statement being made by Samsung with their move
>> to
>> Tizen
>> <http://venturebeat.com/2015/09/02/samsung-has-shown-its-serious-about-tizen-but-is-it-yet-the-os-of-everything/>,
>> and apparently bold statements being made with regards to Android (and
>> that
>> Tizen will be the platform of choice). Outwardly the world will tell
>> Samsung that they can not openly compete with Google on this.
>> But then there’s something we are not seeing in this whole equation - the
>> future of technology and computing.
>> Major players are all looking to invest in IoT and Big Data. Because in a
>> world of 6 Billion people in the Information and Knowledge revolution,
>> IoT
>> is not something that may happen. It will. Because according to IBM
>> <https://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/bigdata/what-is-big-data.html> -
>> Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. And this is why
>> Samsung
>> might win big. They are not building for now. They are building for the
>> next 2 to 5 years to come.
>> Kenya faces a magnitude of challenges home made technology can solve. And
>> technology does exist for us to create sustainable solutions - and create
>> markets for sustainable solutions, as SwahiliBox had demonstrated close
>> to
>> a year back when we had very much earlier predicted the marriage between
>> Big Data and IoT
>> <http://swahilibox.co.ke/blog/2015/06/open-data-and-the-iot-bootcamp--mombasa--june-2015>
>> and we had developed prototypes that were even open sourced
>> <https://github.com/SwahiliBox/OpenDataIoT> to demonstrate how easy and
>> sustainable it can be to develop next generation solutions making use of
>> both Big Data and IoT.
>> Bwana Waziri, I think as a market this is one of the major areas we need
>> to focus on - and that we are seriously neglecting. We can not keep on
>> innovating on top of ERPs and M-Pesas and that is just it. Silicon
>> Valley's
>> innovative potential does not just encompass systems like Adobe
>> Photoshop,
>> but also innovations on top of IoT and Big Data
>> <http://www.crn.com/slide-shows/networking/300079090/the-ten-coolest-iot-startups-of-2015.htm>.
>> We need to innovate hardware that can be relevant within the African
>> Context - Hardware that can then hook up with the ERPs and M-Pesas, and
>> maybe bring to life a whole different export channel to other countries
>> and
>> governments looking for sustainable hardware solutions. And Kenya can do
>> this.
>> We need to push more resources into innovating around Big Data, Cloud and
>> IoT. As a market we can only achieve maximum innovative potential in
>> adopting the trends that players like Samsung, Intel, IBM, and the likes
>> are investing billions of dollars to get right.
>> On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 5:30 AM, Ali Hussein via kictanet <
>> kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
>> Barrack and all
>> For the first time Net Neutrality is being given a voice. But not far
>> enough. We need clear direction on this important issue. Where do we
>> stand
>> on:-
>> *Net Neutrality*
>> 1. Third party liability?
>> 2. Fair and equitable treatment of Internet traffic?
>> 3. Zero rating of services?
>> 4. I understand that Tespok did a study that showed an increase in data
>> revenue from OTT and messaging services like YouTube and WhatsApp. It
>> would
>> be interesting if we could see that report or failure of which (as Tespok
>> is a member based Organisation and may choose not to share it with the
>> general public) CA may need to step in.
>> 5. Finally can the new regime tell us once and for all whether Kenya
>> finally signed WCIT12 and what prompted the change of heart?
>> *Mobile Money and the new reality of Blockchain Technology.* Let's not
>> beat about the bush here. The very leadership position that has been
>> achieved by our adaption of Mobile Money is at risk by burying our heads
>> in
>> the sand when it comes to Blockchain Technology.
>> We need to stop thumping our chests about the phenomenal success of
>> Mpesa.
>> The reality is that Mpesa is only successful here in Kenya and a few
>> other
>> countries. Mpesa stopped innovating in this space years ago. It's time
>> for
>> a new reality. Mpesa is yesterday's news. Let's start creating a new
>> narrative. We need a Global Champion. The likes of PayPal, eBay, Google
>> etc. and we have it in us to do it.
>> Kenya, and Africa are again at risk of being left behind. No other than
>> the Governor of the Central Bank is on record saying that we shall wait
>> and
>> see what the West does before jumping in. I respect the man alot but I
>> think engagement with the nascent Fintech Space in Nairobi together with
>> the ICT Ministry is long overdue. We MUST chart our own path - And it
>> needs
>> to be a pioneering path not a follower path. We need a clear policy
>> statement from the ICT Ministry on this.
>> I'm reliably informed that the ICT Ministry and the Central Bank has
>> formed or will form a joint committee to look into the adaption of
>> BlockChain Technology. I may have missed this but is there a
>> representative(s) from the private/banking/Fintech space? Sometimes I get
>> the feeling that this country's leaders still don't get the spirit of the
>> New Constitution we promulgated in 2010. I would like to humbly remind
>> ourselves of this:-
>> The *constitution* was presented to the Attorney General of *Kenya* on 7
>> April 2010, officially published on 6 May 2010, and was subjected to a
>> referendum on 4 August 2010. The *new Constitution* was approved by 67%
>> of *Kenyan* voters. The *constitution* was promulgated on 27 August 2010.
>> In the spirit of Uzalendo and moving this country forward let us share
>> more and consult more extensively. This exercise of subjecting the new
>> ICT
>> Policy to this level of public scrutiny and intellectual discourse on a
>> list like Kictanet is unprecedented. And highly commendable, This
>> certainly
>> shows the willingness and openness of the leadership of CS Mucheru. It's
>> not a coincidence that he and PS Victor Kyalo are founder members of
>> Kictanet. Intellectual discourse, sharing and engagement is in their DNA.
>> I
>> must however caution them that they must shine daylight into *EVERYTHING*
>> that involves the public good. This new discussion on Blockchains is good
>> for the public and the nascent FinTech community. We *CANNOT* and *MUST
>> NOT *let vested interests prevail in the corridors of power at the
>> detriment of the country at large.
>> It may well be that this country decides that BlockChain Technology will
>> do more harm than good to us. However, I humbly suggest that decision
>> should not be left to a few individuals. No matter their station in life
>> or
>> government. A robust platform of discussion and consultation spearheaded
>> by
>> the ICT and Treasury Ministries must be held. And this must be kicked off
>> as soon as possible because time's a-wastin'.
>> My humble two cents..
>> *Ali Hussein*
>> *Principal*
>> *Hussein & Associates*
>> +254 0713 601113 / 0770906375
>> Twitter: @AliHKassim
>> Skype: abu-jomo
>> LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim
>> "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking
>> what no one else has thought". ~ Albert Szent-Györgyi
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On 1 Jul 2016, at 1:33 AM, Barrack Otieno via kictanet <
>> kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
>> Day 8 of 10:
>> * Internet of Things, M2M
>> * Net Neutrality & OTT
>> * Big Data
>> * Virtual Money/BlockChains
>> The Background:
>> Internet of Things is a vision (now a reality) of physical objects
>> (machines, vehicles, buildings, etc) fitted with sensors that allow
>> them to communicate with each other. The smart-city concept
>> envisions sensors continuously reporting status (e.g Traffic status,
>> Pollution Status, Maintenance Status) of the different objects to
>> allow for efficient management response. A lot of data exchanges
>> arises hence the term Big Data with its associated data analytics
>> requirements.
>> Meanwhile, Virtual Money/Currency (Bitcoin, etc) threatens to disrupt
>> the need for a centralised banking institutions. Over The Top (Skype,
>> Twitter, FB, Youtube) have been around longer but the need to regulate
>> or NOT to regulate them continues to be debated.
>> Given recent developments on the KiCTANET list on Virtual money what
>> should our position on these and other emerging issues be from a
>> policy perspective ? is there need to embrace the issues?
>> Your comments are welcome
>> --
>> Barrack O. Otieno
>> +254721325277
>> +254733206359
>> Skype: barrack.otieno
>> PGP ID: 0x2611D86A
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>> --
>> *Ahmed Maawy*
>> Executive Director - SwahiliBox / M-Power (CBO)
>> Curator - Global Shapers Mombasa Hub
>> Ambassador - Open Knowledge
>> Director - Startup Grind Mombasa
>> Software Developer - AJ+ / EveryLayer
>> (KE) +254 714 960 627
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>> The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform
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> --
> *Ahmed Maawy*
> Executive Director - SwahiliBox / M-Power (CBO)
> Curator - Global Shapers Mombasa Hub
> Ambassador - Open Knowledge
> Director - Startup Grind Mombasa
> Software Developer - AJ+ / EveryLayer
> (KE) +254 714 960 627
> Skype: ultimateprogramer
> swahilibox.co.ke
> globalshapers.org
> www.okfn.org <http://okfn.org/>
> startupgrind.com
> ajplus.net
> www.everylayer.com
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> The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for
> people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and
> regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT
> sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and
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Barrack O. Otieno
Skype: barrack.otieno
PGP ID: 0x2611D86A
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