[kictanet] The core Internet institutions abandon the US Government | IGP Blog

Ali Hussein ali at hussein.me.ke
Mon Oct 14 14:22:06 EAT 2013


Looks like the CEO of ICANN is going rogue then...:)

Ali Hussein

+254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113

"Kujikwaa si kuanguka, bali ni kwenda mbele" (To stumble is not to fall but a sign of going forward) - Swahili Proverb

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 14, 2013, at 2:15 PM, Kivuva <Kivuva at transworldafrica.com> wrote:
> ICANN works under direct mandate from the US Department of Commerce. It is not about to sideline itself from the US government anytime soon
> ______________________
> Mwendwa Kivuva
> twitter.com/lordmwesh
> google ID | Skype ID: lordmwesh
>> On 14 October 2013 01:49, Walubengo J <jwalu at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> @Badru, Ali et. al,
>> I support the need to share the unilateral oversight control that the US enjoys over the internet - even though I doubt if it will come to pass in my lifetime :-)
>> Moreover, I find the recent motivation for this multistakeholder approach (e.g. stop US spying) ill-informed. Am told Brazil is even going to the extend of building its own national email (yahoo) system, its own google, and maybe in future its own facebook, twitter, etc. Wherease this may satisfy national pride, it will not stop big brother US from spying on them or anybody else on this planet.
>> Big brother is watching each of us from the air (drones, satellite, etc), from our offices (MS-Windows?), from our smartphones /tablets etc. Building your own "internet" will not stop spying  but may instead balkanize the internet into geographic silos similar to what we have in the real world.
>> Spying is a well developed constitutional right in most democracies including ours (remember National Intelligence Security and now "Nyumab Kumi Concept?).  The best way to address big brother spying errands is - yes, to spy back on him.  I think China is doing this quite well, watch him watching you :-)
>> walu.
>> --------------------------------------------
>> On Sun, 10/13/13, Eric Osiakwan <ericosiakwan at me.com> wrote:
>>  Subject: Re: [kictanet] The core Internet institutions abandon the US Government | IGP Blog
>>  To: jwalu at yahoo.com
>>  Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
>>  Date: Sunday, October 13, 2013, 6:53 PM
>>  ......there is
>>  nothing like an "idea" whose "time" has
>>  come. The coxiality between idea and time is able to
>>  orchestrate the forces of nature for the required
>>  manifestation and alas the verdict is out or shall we say
>>  still unfolding.
>>  Great week.
>>  Eric here 
>>  Sent from my iPhone
>>  On Oct 13, 2013, at 17:08, Ali Hussein <ali at hussein.me.ke>
>>  wrote:
>>  Badru
>>  True that..I see the issue thus:-
>>  1. Don't be holier than though if behind the
>>  scenes you are abusing the same kind of freedoms you purport
>>  to champion.
>>  2. Don't get caught :)
>>  3. That Governments can't really be truly
>>  trusted to protect the very freedoms that we vote them in to
>>  protect. In today's world its a tough call with all the
>>  terrorism and craziness going on..
>>  4. Multi-Stakeholderism is still the best way to
>>  ultimately protect the freedoms that we enjoy.
>>  Ali Hussein
>>  +254 0770
>>  906375 / 0713 601113
>>  "Kujikwaa si kuanguka,
>>  bali ni kwenda mbele" (To stumble is not to fall but a
>>  sign of going forward) - Swahili Proverb
>>  Sent from my iPad
>>  On Oct 13, 2013, at 5:46 PM, Badru Ntege <badru.ntege at nftconsult.com>
>>  wrote:
>>  Ali
>>  The problem is that influence is about moral authority
>>  and right now the revelations have seriously affected that
>>  authority. 
>>  We cannot keep calling out others on governance issues
>>  when we are the biggest abusers.  The US have allot of
>>  work to do unless we legitimize what they did and then have
>>  a new acceptable standard. 
>>  Regards 
>>  Badru Ntege
>>  Sent from my Mobile
>>  On 13 Oct 2013, at 15:38, "Ali Hussein" <ali at hussein.me.ke>
>>  wrote:
>>  Badru
>>  Thanks for sharing. Long overdue. I'm surprised it
>>  took this long..
>>  It will definitely be interesting to watch what goes on
>>  in the next few months/years as ICANN and other members of
>>  the community that makes the Internet work continue to exert
>>  their independence from any one particular government.
>>  We must however be vigilant and ensure that we do not
>>  throw the baby with the bath water. Some may not agree with
>>  me but I'd rather the US exert influence on
>>  International Internet Governance than see the emergence of
>>  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Russia, China
>>   and their ilk do so..
>>  I'm just saying..
>>  Ali Hussein
>>  +254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113
>>  "Kujikwaa si kuanguka, bali ni
>>  kwenda mbele" (To stumble
>>   is not to fall but a sign of going forward) - Swahili
>>  Proverb
>>  Sent from my iPad
>>  On Oct 13, 2013, at 7:21 AM, Badru Ntege <badru.ntege at nftconsult.com>
>>  wrote:
>>  http://www.internetgovernance.org/2013/10/11/the-core-internet-institutions-abandon-the-us-government/
>>  Badru Ntege
>>  Sent from my Mobile
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