[kictanet] Q: How are Kenyan telcos helping the police recover stolen laptops?

Alex Comninos alex.comninos at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 18:51:58 EAT 2012

RE: theft of data
I use Ubuntu, it offers an encrypted home directory, all of my
non-system files are encrypted. They are decrypted at login, and
encrypted again when the computer turns off. I have no worries about
theft of sensitive data from my laptop, as it is virtually impossible
to decrypt without a password.

I am not sure of a comprehensive system for windows, but on Windows 7
I think one can use Bit Defender, which comes with some versions, to
encrypt selected folders and store the sensitive data there.

Here are instructions for encryption on Windows XP

We now live in a world of ubuiquitous encryption and reliable
encryption is available to everyone. Take advantage of this.

RE: Insurance
Laptops are possibly the most economic thing ever to insure, as by the
time the laptop is stolen there are usually cheaper and better ones on
the market. Of course the insurance company usually wont insure
laptops anymore once they are too old.

On 17 October 2012 17:15, Kivuva <Kivuva at transworldafrica.com> wrote:
> Well Mr. Ikua, that is an interesting angle. If I had sensitive data that
> could get erased remotely at low level, or If i could recover the laptop
> with my very important data, that would suffice.
> On 17 October 2012 17:43, Evans Ikua <ikua.evans at gmail.com> wrote:
>> No problem there Kivuva. What if you really wanted to recover your own
>> laptop? what if the software could erase your important files in the lost
>> laptop?
>> On Oct 17, 2012 5:40 PM, "Kivuva" <Kivuva at transworldafrica.com> wrote:
>>> Mr. Ikua, that cost of $50 annually is actually high. I'm better of
>>> insuring my laptop with the knowledge that if it is lost, and not recovered,
>>> I will still get it back, and the amount is just about $50
>>> On 17 October 2012 16:21, Evans Ikua <ikua.evans at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Not quite Barrack. Its very affordable. About $50 annually.
>>>> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Barrack Otieno
>>>> <otieno.barrack at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> @ Evans the cost implication might be astronomical no? interesting
>>>>> ideas though.
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Evans Ikua <ikua.evans at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I know of software solutions that can help track your lost laptop. The
>>>>>> software resides in the bios, so uninstalling the OS won't help. This only
>>>>>> works once the laptop is plugged into the Internet. From this point, you
>>>>>> need the cooperation of the Telco/ISP and the police to track the laptop
>>>>>> using the IPs. I have never tried it though.
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 3:11 PM, Michael Bullut <main at kipsang.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> @Alex + 1
>>>>>>> On 17 October 2012 14:32, Alex Comninos <alex.comninos at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It can be quite easy to track USB modems (dongles) through the IEMI
>>>>>>>> number, like in a cellphone. It is easy to block IEMI numbers and
>>>>>>>> punish the criminal by rendering the device useless. Whether
>>>>>>>> geolocating the devices through triangulation of GSM reception is
>>>>>>>> possible depends on whether this type of tracking is allowed by
>>>>>>>> legislation. This would probably need a warrant to prevent abuse.
>>>>>>>> Detecting a laptop is however virtually impossible. Laptops transmit
>>>>>>>> two MAC adresses over networks (the wired and wireless connection)
>>>>>>>> that can identify them. However the MAC address can only be detected
>>>>>>>> by LANs or wireless networks. Once the device is in a local network
>>>>>>>> (LAN) it is behind a router, which has its own MAC address,
>>>>>>>> rendering
>>>>>>>> the MAC adress of the laptop undetectable. Thus the telcos can only
>>>>>>>> track USB modems and phones, but not laptops. There are simply no
>>>>>>>> technological methods available to have telcos cooperate in finding
>>>>>>>> laptops.
>>>>>>>> I would suggest if one is afraid of losing a laptop:
>>>>>>>> 1- one insures it
>>>>>>>> 2- one encrypts the harddrive (Windows can do this now) as to not
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> sensitive data stolen
>>>>>>>> 3- one backs up their data regularly, either to a harddrive, or
>>>>>>>> online
>>>>>>>> to the cloud.
>>>>>>>> On 17 October 2012 12:39, Nancy Macharia <n_macharia at yahoo.co.uk>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > Muraya,
>>>>>>>> > This is a serious concern as we kenyans  save their hard earned
>>>>>>>> > income to purchase laptops.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > The amount of agony and disorientation one experiences upon losing
>>>>>>>> > not just the hardware resource but more importantly the information is
>>>>>>>> > enormous.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I was a victim of this heinous act and telcos did not appear to be
>>>>>>>> > of help.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I would be delighted to offer ideas towards realising a solution
>>>>>>>> > for this menace.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Nancy
>>>>>>>> > Tel: +254727746156Sent from my BlackBerry
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> > From: "S.M. Muraya" <murigi.muraya at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> > Sender: "kictanet"
>>>>>>>> >  <kictanet-bounces+n_macharia=yahoo.co.uk at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
>>>>>>>> > Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 11:31:04
>>>>>>>> > To: <n_macharia at yahoo.co.uk>
>>>>>>>> > Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
>>>>>>>> > Subject: [kictanet] Q: How are Kenyan telcos helping the police
>>>>>>>> > recover
>>>>>>>> >         stolen laptops?
>>>>>>>> >
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>> Evans Ikua,
>>>>>> lanetconsulting.com,
>>>>>> lpi-eastafrica.org,
>>>>>> ict-innovation.fossfa.net,
>>>>>> Skype: @ikuae
>>>>>> Cell: +254-722-955831
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Barrack O. Otieno
>>>>> +254721325277
>>>>> +254-20-2498789
>>>>> Skype: barrack.otieno
>>>>> http://www.otienobarrack.me.ke/
>>>> --
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Evans Ikua,
>>>> lanetconsulting.com,
>>>> lpi-eastafrica.org,
>>>> ict-innovation.fossfa.net,
>>>> Skype: @ikuae
>>>> Cell: +254-722-955831
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>>> --
>>> ______________________
>>> Mwendwa Kivuva
>>> For
>>> Business Development
>>> Transworld Computer Channels
>>> Cel: 0722402248
>>> twitter.com/lordmwesh
>>> www.transworldAfrica.com  | Fluent in computing
>>> kenya.or.ke | The Kenya we know
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> --
> ______________________
> Mwendwa Kivuva
> For
> Business Development
> Transworld Computer Channels
> Cel: 0722402248
> twitter.com/lordmwesh
> www.transworldAfrica.com  | Fluent in computing
> kenya.or.ke | The Kenya we know
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