[kictanet] Digital migration and mass ignorance

Kivuva Kivuva at transworldafrica.com
Fri Dec 21 11:54:12 EAT 2012

It seems the GoK is bowing to pressure and going towards the direction
of subsidized the set boxes.

Dennis, you should not give the government such ideas. They are on
this list. Your email should have read "in the end, a frustrated
government will enter into a multi-billion contract with University of
Nairobi and JKUAT to mass produce low cost subsidized FTA decoders,
and Kenyans would have won the battle, won the war, created thousands
of employment, and tilted the balance of trade".

I have been a fun of Dr. Ndemo's thesis for long, but this time round,
he's gone off-course. If Dr. Ndemo was genuine and was playing for the
best interest of Kenya, this is the path he should have advised the
government to take. We still have time to be producers, till 2015. The
revenue generated from such ventures would even fund the several
projects the government is running like JKIA expansion, power
stations, roads, e.t.c.

I have had the privilege of touring several Chinese manufacturing
companies, and I can assure you these factories littering our country
with fake gadgets are not grand, and the initial capital is just
several millions.

Fellow Kenyans, let me give you unsolicited advice. Seeking foreign
help to build roads, bridges, airports, harbours, and buildings is a
sign of mental retardation, yet we have perfected the art.

Thank you @song.stephen, we at BoP don't even know if we pay taxes.
Whenever major infrastructure projects are being undertaken, we see
EU, World Bank, USAID, DFID, e.t.c.


On 20/12/2012, Dennis Kioko <dmbuvi at gmail.com> wrote:
> In the end, a frustrated government will enter into a deal with Huawei to
> mass produce and import low cost or subsidised FTA decoders, and Huawei
> will make millions in profit and Kenyans will have won the battle and lost
> the war.
> Somehow related, voter registration took 30 days. On day 30, huge queues
> were seen at centres at  8 pm, way past the 6 pm closing time for the
> exercise. For the other 29 days, clerks were idle, Facebooking and soaking
> in sun at the registration centres as few bothered registering.
> Meanwhile, I shall laminate this epic piece and hang it on a wall, to
> remind me that millions in the country have no access to 2G, despite 2G
> been the base of all GSM networks.
>> Thanks for thinking for consumers in a more broad and realistic spectrum
>> (including rural proletariats) beyond the minority but noisy middle to
>> higher income Nairobi CBD/Upper Hill techies  who are obsessed about 4+G
>> when millions of others can't access 2-G. There is nothing like "mass
>> ignorance" or "mass intelligence" on a matter of human/consumer rights as
>> ably articulated within Consumer Protection Act, 2012 (which took effect
>> on
>> December 13).

Mwendwa Kivuva
Business Development
Transworld Computer Channels
Cel: 0722402248
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