[kictanet] Online Interview with PS Ndemo: Day 1 of 5 ICT in Education

Barrack Otieno otieno.barrack at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 11:37:21 EAT 2011

Thank you Dr. Ndemo for bringing interesting facts to fore, the example you
chose of the airport hit the nail on the head, Wamuyu also brings in
interesting perspectives, Dr. Ndemo are there specific interventions
required from the private sector and civil society to bridge the gap?,
recently you made a call for volunteers and the response was great, it just
shows that there are willing Kenyans out there but they don't know where to
start, to be specific what are some of the opportunities that the private
sector and civil society might not be seeing and what would you expect of
them to make this vision of ICT in education a reality?, Listers feel free
to contribute to this discussion..

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Wamuyu Gatheru <wamuyu at soko-id.co.ke>wrote:

> GG/Barack, thanks for the interesting and important thread. Hopefully,
> people with vision and integrity will step out to cleanse those weekend
> public rallies.
> This discussion shows that a lot of info/knowledge exists but is not
> shared. So, in a sense, Kenya's lack of development and even the hunger is
> about an information/ed imbalance. I would suggest that the PS primarily
> supports network availability in all corners of the country. I watched some
> people in Marsabit walk over 30kms to climb a tree where, when lucky, catch
> a network. With google in Kiswahili, imagine the resource these folks are
> missing and how that could translate into solving their immediate problems.
> On that note, I am looking for the recipe for sorghum ugali (google sites
> focus on how healthy it is but I cant find a recipe). With the uncertainty
> on GMO maize, I am weaning myself of that good white stuff and plan on
> eating the red. I think many perennially hungry folk would also benefit from
> such info.
> Wamuyu
> Quoting Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack at gmail.com>:
>  Dr, Ndemo,
>>   1. Are you satisfied with the current state of affairs with regard to
>> ICT
>>   in education?
>>   2. Can you highlight some of the gains the country has attained with
>>   regard to ICT in education, what is your vision for the education sector
>>   going forwad?
>> Thank you
>> --
>> Barrack O. Otieno
>> +254721325277
>> +254-20-2498789
>> Skype: barrack.otieno

Barrack O. Otieno
Afriregister Ltd (Kenya)
www.afrire <http://www.afriregister.com>gister.bi,
<http://www.afriregister.com>ICANN accredited registrar
Skype: barrack.otieno
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