[kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Re: PS Ndemo, ECONET Scandal aand Vested Interests

John Maina j.maina at ymail.com
Thu Oct 9 18:19:21 EAT 2008


Thanks alot. 

I think that Dr Ndemo must come clean and we must not be held hostage by people who think that we must be bowing to crooked foreigners who were paupers and came defrauded the country and now think that we should have all been thieves.

Nick Nesbitt couldnt afford kencall. He came and borrowed in Kenyan banks because people like Dr Ndemo allowed him. Joe, as a person who is also setting up a pan African ICT network, you must know whom you are dealing with Ndugu. We respect all people in KICTANET but the truth must come out ndugu. Lets all ask for it and all will be fine.


----- Original Message ----
From: Joseph Manthi <jmanthi at gmail.com>
To: John Maina <j.maina at ymail.com>; KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2008 6:09:13 PM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Re: PS Ndemo, ECONET Scandal aand Vested Interests

This is demeaning to Kenyans. You should stop discussing issues about Kenya unless you know what you are talking about.

Grameen Bank and Telecom is a Bangladeshi company. Why shouldn't Kenyans own the major telecomms? Is there a law that states only foreigners can own these companies?

Anyway I do not want to belittle this discussion by reading what foreigners think about Kenyans. Only Kenyans can solve Kenyan issues.

I do not know what John is talking about (and I know John, unlike most of you who do not) and I am waiting to hear a response from PS Ndemo. I think the least we can demand of our public servant is a fair hearing. Let Dr Ndemo speak for himself. And those who are just heckling should step aside. The Moi era when people just spoke good of people in power and never questioned their public actions (rather than private), and Dr Ndemo's pronouncement was a very public action, should be over. At least I hope so.

I am looking forward to hearing Dr Ndemo pay us the honor of explaining his official action. This is serious business. We are talking about the giving away of publicly owned rare resources.

John et al and Brian et al - stop taking sides and making it personal. It is not personal, it is business.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 6:06 AM, John Maina <j.maina at ymail.com> wrote:


Cheap argument. So Kenya doesnt have small Telekoms? Please stop these roadside mentality

We have our small telkoms and know that however long it will take to recover and get the crooks. We will get them


----- Original Message ----
From: Crystal Watley <crystal at voicesofafrica.org>
To: Fred Okono <fredokono at cfsk.org>
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>; ke-users <ke-internetusers at bdix.net>
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 6:15:39 PM
Subject: [ke-internetusers] Re: [kictanet] PS Ndemo, ECONET Scandal aand Vested Interests

Kenyans CAN own their own telecom. There is a minority owned telecom in the US and it is huge in Bangladesh. There is no reason why someone couldn't do it in Kenya. 

Two questions: Who has the vision? Who has the funding?

Minority Owned Telecom in the United States


Grameen Phone in Bangladesh


Asante sana,


There comes time in everyone's life, where they have to stop talking and start doing....

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Fred Okono <fredokono at cfsk.org> wrote:

Dear John, 
You are abviously a very angry person, shooting 
straight from the hip - the only redeeming quality of your anger being that 
on the face of it, it is inspired by a love of country. But can we keep it 
Indeed Kenyans should own all our strategic and 
fundamental infrastructure, but nothing is wrong with seeking foreign back-up on 
our way to that rarefied goal. I'd rather we had fully foreign-owned enterprises 
operating locally, employing a large number of my compatriots, paying taxes to 
the government, creating greater consumer utility through competition and 
generating auxilliary business opportunities both upstream and downstream than 
have no such investments, locally owned or otherwise.
And most importantly, there is no law stopping 
enterprising Kenyans from making future bids - WHOLLY KENYAN - for such 
opportunities! Like you rightly pointed out, the Safaricom IPO revealed our 
hunger for sound investments - what we seem to lack are inspired local 
entrepreneurs to harness this. We need more TransCenturies then we can 
effectively take on those foreign investors and competitors without need for 
extreme protectionist policies.
As for PS Ndemo - he is one of our best. The very 
fact that he is part of and an occassional contributor to this forum speaks of 
his belief in transparency and accountability. And personal interraction with 
him reinforces this impression. Please let us not pull down and drag in the mud 
the few really good people we have!
Fredrick Okono 
Computers for Schools 
SemcoBusiness Park | Unit 1, Mombasa Road | P.O. Box 48584-00100 
| Nairobi , Kenya |
Tel:254(0)202060919, Tel/Fax: 254 (0)20 2060920 Mobile 
(0)723-527106|Email:fredokono at cfsk.org|Website: www.cfsk.org     
----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Maina 
To: fredokono at cfsk.org 
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy  Discussions ; ke-users 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2:20  PM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] PS Ndemo, ECONET  Scandal aand Vested Interests


You see that its only people like you who are in Kenya not to develope  Kenya but to exploit are the ones supporting Ndemo. Crooks like him. You are  known and even the BPO society know you as someone who is known not to support  the general development and economic improvement of thee country.

You are known as someone who even his own staff he has consistently paid  poorly. When did  Ndemo give Kenyans a chance to buy the companies and  they said they couldnt? He wouldd rather go to Libya and go and make secret  deals there. Am not suprised that you support him but know that no matter how  long it takees. Kenyans will recover Kenya from looters like you

----- Original Message ----
From: nicholasnesbitt  <nnesbitt at kencall.com>
To: j.maina at ymail.com
Cc: KICTAnet ICT  Policy Discussions <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>; ke-users  <ke-internetusers at bdix.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 7, 2008 7:13:01  PM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] PS Ndemo, ECONET Scandal aand Vested  Interests

I agree totally.   

Sounds like someone needs to do something more productive than try to  insinuate there is anything wrong here with Kenya becoming a more investor  friendly and respectful environment....  Perhaps this person needs to put  their own money where their mouth is and then they will get a very different  perspective about how they would like their money to be used if they were to  invest in anything substantial in Kenya...  

It is Econet's investors' money.  It is not Kenya's money...   

Do we want the investment in Kenya, the competition, the jobs, the  participation of Essar, or do we want to play a nationalistic game based on  rich and passively investing Kenyans getting the lion's share of someone's  investment in Kenya, just because they are powerful and the law mandates that  they they should have a piece of someone else's hard earned investment?   The wananchi wouldn't share in any Econet investment even if it were  still required by the law to have a local partner, it would be some Mobiletea  kinds of individuals who would slide up to Econet and scare them into  partnering with the locals... just the same way as it always has been in Kenya  and in such countries that adopt such market distorting and investment  unfriendly policies... 

Bravo, Daktari Ndemo!

Nicholas A.  Nesbitt
Chief Executive  Officer
KenCall EPZ  Ltd
P.O. Box 27507 -  00506
Sameer Industrial Park, Mombasa  Road
Nairobi,  Kenya

+254.20.660.2000  (office)
+254.20.660.2222  (fax)
+254.721.458.458  (cell)

nnesbitt at kencall.com
BEST Non-European Contact Centre 2008

Fastest  Growing Top 100 company 

On Oct 7, 2008, at 7:01 PM, Crystal Watley wrote:

I have known Dr. Ndemo for some time now and have found him to  be nothing less than a man of integrity. I have seen his name drawn through  the mud next to other politicians in the past. Let me be very honest and  frank in this matter. 

When are we in Kenya going to get past this  political mud slinging and look at the actual WORK performance of our  leaders? When I watch the news I see very few Kenyan political leaders  really working. They are always campaigning and pretending THAT is their  job. In many cases it IS their way of making money, although it is NOT what  we pay them for doing.

Most of our political leaders do not have the  ACTUAL work performance record of Dr. Ndemo. We know the long hours he  works. I have been in his office at 7 am and at 7 pm. Those of us of who  know him have seen this is the rule NOT the exception. 

Someday I  hope in Kenya we understand we must judge everyone in public office by their  actual work PERFORMANCE. Politicians are OUR employees. They work for the  people of Kenya. They should be judged as an employer views an employee. How  hard are they working for develoment? What good comes from their  initiatives? Are they professional? Are they in the office working? We need  to set higher standards for our government. This is not accomplished by  breaking the good ones down. 

Asante sana.


On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Brian Munyao Longwe <brian at caret.net> wrote:

Smells  like a smear campaign to me.

I see nothing that Ndemo has done  wrong.


On Oct 7, 2008, at 8:43 AM, John Maina  wrote:

> http://www.wananchiforums.com/showthread.php?p=3150#post3150

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Voices of Africa
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"You must be the change you wish to see" - Gandhi

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Joseph Manthi

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