[kictanet] Online discussion on social-economic impact of broadband in Kenya

Eleanor Marchant eleanormarchant at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 16:23:48 EAT 2019

Thanks Mwendwa,

Looking forward to seeing how the discussion on this unfolds. Can you
confirm, will the online debate take place on this listserv or somewhere
else facilitated by KICTANet?


On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 1:20 PM Mwendwa Kivuva via kictanet <
kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> IDC is conducting an assessment on the state of play and impact of
> broadband in Kenya, broadly looking at the socio-economic impact on
> consumers, businesses and various sectors like agriculture, education,
> healthcare, finance and government. This assessment has been commissioned
> by Huawei in collaboration with Ministry of ICT and the Communications
> Authority. It has the overarching objective of supporting the policy making
> process to develop broadband services and infrastructure throughout Kenya
> and achieve substantial economic impact in the economy. Other partners in
> the study include the ICT Authority and the National Communications
> Secretariat.
> The assessment will involve a review of the current state of play in the
> sector as well as gaining insights from a wide range of stakeholders on the
> barriers and recommendations to increasing the impact of broadband. Among
> the key stakeholders identified include KICTANET, from whose members IDC
> will seek to gain civil society and other stakeholder perspectives
> including real life examples of impact of broadband, challenges we face in
> increasing impact of broadband and recommendations on interventions needed
> to address the challenges identified. This will be conducted as an online
> debate facilitated and moderated by KICTANET from 23rd to 26th April 2019.
> Through the online discussion, we will also seek to understand the current
> state of play of broadband in Kenya, including:
>    1. What barriers are there in increasing impact of broadband?
>    2. What recommendations can counter the barriers in increasing impact
>    of broadband?
>    3. How is the sector regulated and what policies are in place? How is
>    the business environment for those who want to venture into provision of
>    broadband services?
>    4. How do we create the skills and demand and use cases for broadband?
>    5. What local content is there and is it having an impact or not? What
>    type of local content are we lacking?
>    6. How are users and businesses benefiting from broadband?
>    7. Any other issues.
> Please note that lister may add any other issue on broadband that come to
> mind.  After the discussion, a summary report will be developed by KICTANET
> which will subsequently be validated during a face to face meeting. IDC
> will incorporate relevant findings into the broadband market assessment.
> Sincerely,
> ______________________
> Mwendwa Kivuva.
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*ConflictNET Postdoctoral Fellow | Programme in Comparative Media Law &
Policy, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford University*
*Tw: **@ermarchant <https://twitter.com/ermarchant> |
www.eleanormarchant.me <http://www.eleanormarchant.me>*
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