[kictanet] Is Safaricom sincere on innovation?

K Machuhi kmachuhi at gmail.com
Sat Jul 22 10:03:30 EAT 2017

The commentary response to the article by Kiringai kamau articulates the
needed paradigm shift in data. Safaricom etc are providing consumer
services which we willingly subscribe to. Collection of data is incidental
part of that service delivery process.

Individuals own their data. Where are the famed developers to make a
personal data repository app? One could even make money selling personal
data to Bobby and others in data science vocations.

As for civic data, as long as tax money was involved in its
collection....there should and will be a framework of obtaining that data.
Bureau of statistics website has quite some data gems but one needs 7th
sense to navigate and obtain the data..e.g. the 2009 census data.

On 21 Jul 2017 09:12, "Walubengo J via kictanet" <
kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:

> Let me start with a disclaimer :-)
> This post is not from me but one Robert Yawe,
> Have a read.
> https://www.cio.co.ke/featured/is-safaricom-sincere-on-innovation/
> walu.
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