[kictanet] Tech Community Takes Opportunity to Vent At CS Mucheru

Nanjira Sambuli nanjira at ihub.co.ke
Wed Jan 27 09:44:57 EAT 2016

He/she is setting you up, jowa.

Good piece, choice of verbs notwithstanding. :)


Sent from my iPad.

> On 27 Jan 2016, at 09:01, Walubengo J <jwalu at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Let me just say...my Editor has a wide range  of vocabulary  :-)
> But focus on the content.
> walu.
> From: Nanjira Sambuli via kictanet <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> To: jwalu at yahoo.com 
> Cc: Nanjira Sambuli <nanjira at ihub.co.ke>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 7:42 AM
> Subject: [kictanet] Tech Community Takes Opportunity to Vent At CS Mucheru
> A media reporter opted for the verb "vent" to describe last Friday's #First100Days fete. 
> ---- 
> Tech Community Takes Opportunity to Vent At CS Mucheru
> // AllAfrica News: Kenya
> [Nation] Last week, the new Cabinet Secretary for ICT, Mr Joe Mucheru, was kind enough to bring his two Principal Secretaries, Mr Victor Kyalo and Mr. Sammy Itemere, along to a meeting hosted by the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet.) 
> ---- 
> Shared via my feedly reader
> Regards, 
> Nanjira.
> Sent from my iPhone.
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