[kictanet] [FOSSFA Members] About Heartbleed Vulnerability

Walubengo J jwalu at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 14 10:02:26 EAT 2014


Security is an issue for both Open Source /FOSS products(Linux, Android,etc) as well proprietary ones(e.g Windows, SAP, Oracle, iOS, etc).  However, the argument for Open Source has been that since the product/code is "open" to millions of programmer eyes, there is a higher probability of eventually spotting and publishing the flaws (such as what has happened in the current instance of the Hearbleed vulnerability).

Imagine if this piece of software (OpenSSL) was closed/proprietary; the NSA and even our very own NIS will continue "milking" the security flaw for as long as it takes...and as long as the proprietary owner is sufficiently paid to maintain silence about the security hole.

For me its a question of which one is the better devil :-)


On Sun, 4/13/14, Mwendwa Kivuva <Kivuva at transworldafrica.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [kictanet] [FOSSFA Members] About Heartbleed Vulnerability
 To: jwalu at yahoo.com
 Cc: certification at mail.fossfa.net, "AuthorAID Discussion" <authoraiddiscussion at dgroups.org>, "IlabAfrica" <ilabafrica at strathmore.edu>, fbt at mail.fossfa.net, "Bob Jolliffe" <bobjolliffe at gmail.com>, kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke
 Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014, 1:41 PM
 This calls for a big debate among the
 Open Source community and
 evaluation of how exposed we can be. I'm imagining how many
 will go unpatched thus exposing the data to would be
 It is alleged through a Bloomberg article that NSA knew
 about the
 vulnerability two years ago, but kept it secret to continue
 user data. http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-11/nsa-said-to-have-used-heartbleed-bug-exposing-consumers.html
 This might be a wrong alarm but How safe are we as FOSS
 because we heavily rely on these applications that may
 actually have
 backdoors and rootkits with the aim of taking control of our
 and spying on us.
 Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi, Kenya
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