[kictanet] Message to Kenya

Emmanuel Ochieng emmanuelochieng797 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 15:50:47 EAT 2013

Greetings Edith,

Thanks a lot for sharing that valuable message. This will prompt everyone
to spread peace and love amongst one another.

Kind Regards,

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Edith Adera <eadera at idrc.ca> wrote:

> by Apostle Paul Amadi (Notes) on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 10:12pm
> The Lord woke me up about 2am on the night of 13th March 2013 with a
> message to the nation of Kenya, and particularly to the Body of Christ.
> Before He began speaking to me He showed me the flag and the emblems of the
> nation, then He showed me the words of the first verse of the national
> anthem of Kenya (O God of all creation, bless this our land and nation,
> justice be our shield and defender, may we dwell in unity, peace and
> liberty, plenty be found within our borders) and also I saw the words
> PEACE, LOVE & UNITY. I saw that these 3 words were written upon a long slab
> of rock that had been painted with the colors of the flag of Kenya (black,
> red, green & white). I also saw that the painting had become greatly
> disjointed. Neither the words nor the colors were together. It was a broken
> state.
> As I came to the point of tears at what I was seeing, my belly suddenly
> became very hot and He began to speak: “Why are you following men that
> shall die? You have forgotten Me, the fountain of living waters, and now
> seek to men. Can they save you? Can they deliver you? Yet you seek to them.
> All these are the works of My hands. In the day I call for them all their
> thoughts perish. Seek to Me. I the Lord I am the Alpha and Omega, the
> Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. Let your trust be in Me, for
> I speak and it comes to pass. No man can stop My purposes.
> The Lord then brought me to see what was happening around the nation. He
> showed me Christian homes, men and women speaking and spewing hatred
> against those who belong to communities of differing political
> affiliations. And He said to me, “See what My people are doing. Is this
> what I called you to do? Have I not called you to love one another and to
> pray for the peace of your nation? Have I not called you to bless and not
> to curse? How is it then that you have taken sides with the enemy of My
> people? You are destroying, destroying, destroying everything! Where is
> love in My people? Where are My intercessors? Where are My watchmen? For
> your enemy is risen and is even now ready to devour this nation. I have
> spoken to you over and over again but you do not listen. Yes, you prayed
> and repented before Me and asked Me to heal your nation, but how can I heal
> when you are so deeply divided? Have I called you to take sides against one
> another? Or I have called you to be united. You speak and devour one
> another, you consume each other with the words of your mouth and at last
> you yourself will be no more. For while you are cursing one another your
> enemy is busy strategizing how he will destroy your nation. I speak this to
> your shame.
> Then He continued, “I the Lord have called you to be peacemakers, for so
> you will be called My sons. I despise those who cause discord among their
> brethren, and I will oppose them. Repent now of the evil that is in your
> heart and return to your position. I love those of you who have refused to
> take sides, who pray to Me because of the land. They are My jewels and I
> will preserve them. I am your source. O Kenya, look to Me and be saved. If
> you look to men you will be disappointed, for men will lie to you, but I
> the Lord am the God of truth; what I speak I will also do. If you do not
> repent judgment will come to your land and the sword will pass through but
> if you My people humble yourselves and return to Me then I will heal you
> and heal your land.
> This is the direction the Lord gave me for you: Whom you have spoken
> against, you must go and face them and seek their forgiveness. And for the
> servants the ministers, this is what the Lord says to you: “Why have you
> taken sides in these matters? I have not called you to take sides but to
> stand before Me and intercede for the land. REPENT!”
> And the Lord said, “Begin praying for the healing of this nation, for if
> you do not do so it will fall apart and you yourself will not survive. I
> said put your trust in Me but you have gone after men who can do nothing
> for you. [Just now as I am typing this I heard Him say: I the Lord hold the
> key to your life]. Stop saying I (i.e. the Lord) am with this one, or that
> one. I the LORD do not take sides for I am the King of the earth. I respect
> no persons, but those who fear Me and obey My commandments shall find favor
> in My sight. Therefore, be zealous and repent. Pray unto Me, love one
> another, be united and I will restore you once again.”
> And the Lord said to me, “This confusion in your elections is caused by
> the enemy that he may destroy My people. If you do not pray, he shall
> prevail.”
> Who can pray, let him pray, and who cannot pray, let him also pray. The
> Lord also showed me what the enemy is planning: Chaos, anarchy and
> bloodshed. Church of God, arise and pray against these things. Spend time
> with the Father and plead for the sake of this nation. Gather together in
> your homes and churches and intercede. Cry mightily to the Father, and He
> who is able shall change the tide and heal our nation.
> Verses:
> Pro 6:16-19: These six Jehovah hates; yea, seven are hateful to his soul:
> a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart
> that plots wicked plans, feet hurrying to run to evil, a false witness who
> speaks lies, and he who causes fighting among brothers.
> Mat 5:9: Blessed are the peacemakers! For they shall be called the sons of
> God.
> 2Ch 7:14: if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves
> and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will
> hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
> Isa 55:6,7: Seek Jehovah while He may be found; call on Him while He is
> near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
> and let him return to Jehovah, and He will have mercy on him; and to our
> God, for He will abundantly pardon.
> Come on Kenyans, share this message on your timelines so others will also
> read and take action. The whole nation needs to hear this.
> For the Master,
> Paul Amadi
> Gatekeeper****
> ** **
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