[kictanet] The ICT industry is sick

Sam Gichuru gichuru at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 15:38:12 EAT 2013

is it safe to +1 on this? :)

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 2:08 PM, robert yawe <robertyawe at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) the first step that suffering alcoholics must
> take is to accept that they are alcoholics.
> It is time that we as an industry accept that we are very sick and then
> ask for help, which must come from outside the industry as the infection
> has permeated too deep into the rest of us.
> From all the monologues going on it is clear that the IEBC system was
> bound to fail from day one but all we did was defend the capabilities of
> those given the responsibility for the system because Kenya had given the
> World MPesa and Ushahidi,
> Now  the same people whose capabilities we applauded a few weeks ago are
> the ones we are now crucifying, reminds me of the events of Palm Sunday and
> Good Friday.
> Peter Kenneth thought that the followers he had on facebook would
> translate into votes, Mutoro made the mistake of coming onto a digital
> forum to ask for people to physically demonstrate on the street to evict
> the government printer he got many +1s, I saw a post on facebook this
> morning asking people to go and show their support at the Supreme Court for
> the CORD appeal, I can see the venue from my office and so far there is
> only the usual crowd but the request on facebook as over a thousand likes.
> Since I am as sick as the rest of you I cannot offer much assistance if
> there is someone out there who is still not afflicted please come to our
> rescue as all we are doing is murdering bits and bytes.
> Regards
> PS.  The posts of CEO and Deputy CEO of the Kenya ICT Board are soon to
> become vacant are we looking for how we can influence the appointment or
> are we waiting for the person to be appointed and then we discuss the
> flawed process, inexperience of the person . . . .
> Robert Yawe
> KAY System Technologies Ltd
> Phoenix House, 6th Floor
> P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200
> Kenya
> Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696
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Warm Regards,
Sam Gichuru

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Skype: Sam.gichuru
Cellphone: | +254-722-730565

Co-founder/ Director /Nailab Incubation
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Website: | www.nailab.co.ke
twitter: | @thenailab
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