[kictanet] President Kenyatta secures Microsoft support for computers

Bitange Ndemo bitange at jambo.co.ke
Wed Jun 5 13:58:44 EAT 2013

I do not know much about the sourcing of Computers.  This is the very
reason I requested my colleague, Prof. Godia to come as a guest on this
list.  I was purely a messenger.

As to what Microsoft may want, I suspect that they want to create a future
market.  In economics we say if there is a market failure as there is in
our rural areas, the Government makes interventions that would create a
market.  Microsoft will leverage on this to market themselves.  This does
not mean that Evans too cannot take up the market once it is developed or
during the process of developing it.  As it is now you have no market. 
That is why we are having difficulty with the digital villages.


> Dear Dr Ndemo,
> Now that you have outlined what MS will do, maybe you can share with us
> what is in it for them? I am sure they did not fly in their Global
> President for nothing. I suspect that they stand to gain immensely from
> this "partnership". The partners referred to must be their local
> distributors, or other Government agencies. They will win big and we will
> lose big time.
> It would be good to know how much the laptops will cost, and how much of
> that cost will go to software, or to MS for that matter. If they are
> offering a free OS, or a subsidised one for that matter, just remember the
> analogy of dope - the first dose is always free, its the subsequent one
> that you pay for!
> Dont even think about the fact that if we give proprietary solutions to
> our
> kids, we will be losing the opportunity to give them better options that
> are available in open source. But most sadly, we have just mortgaged our
> freedom and that of the future generations.
> Ikua
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Bitange Ndemo <bitange at jambo.co.ke> wrote:
>> Barrack,
>> As I promised, Prof. Godia accepted to respond to your questions on
>> Kicktanet.  You will need to fix e-mail, godiaes at yahoo.com into the
>> mailing list to make it easier to reply.
>> I attended the State House function and Microsoft agreed to do the
>> following:
>> 1.      Work with different partners to Train ALL Primary School
>> Teachers
>> computers (more than 260,000) to enable them implement computer to
>> schools
>> programme by January.  They are ready to start as soon as the Government
>> of Kenya gives the go-ahead to start the programme at County level;
>> 2.      Work with different partners to develop and train at least five
>> enterprises in each County to provide technical support in Hardware,
>> Connectivity and Software to all schools within each County; and
>> 3.      Develop a research and innovation hub at Konza Technology Park
>> to
>> support software developers in the region.
>> 4. Work with other Hardware manufacturers to develop a sustainable model
>> that includes local assembly of computers as well as local software and
>> content development that can be replicated in other African countries
>> This will go a long way in realzing our President's commitment to
>> achieving his promises to the Kenyan people.
>> Regards
>> Ndemo.
>> > Walu,
>> >
>> > I think its time we focused on other issues, seems this project is a
>> > foregone conclusion. We will take stock in 2017.
>> >
>> > Best Regards
>> >
>> >
>> > On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Walubengo J <jwalu at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Whao!
>> >>
>> >> When I grow up, I want to work for M$oft :-)
>> >>
>> >> Sounds like they are concluding the deal to be on 1million laptops
>> next
>> >> year - as we are busy tweeting on what Software is relevant for
>> pupils
>> >> in
>> >> Standard one. Read on
>> >> @
>> >>
>> http://www.nation.co.ke/News/Uhuru-secures-Microsoft-support-for-computers/-/1056/1871904/-/7i517tz/-/index.html
>> >>
>> >> walu.
>> >>
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>> > --
>> > Barrack O. Otieno
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> --
> *----------------------------------------------------
> Kind Regards,
> Evans Ikua,*
> lanetconsulting.com,
> lpi-eastafrica.org,
> ict-innovation.fossfa.net,
> Skype: @ikuae
> Cell: +254-722-955831

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