[kictanet] 3 Media houses protest Majanja's Digital Migration Ruling

Odhiambo Washington odhiambo at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 10:02:23 EAT 2013

On 29 December 2013 10:42, Ngigi Waithaka <ngigi at at.co.ke> wrote:

> The fact that the tender was *open* is the question that is in play here
> and is the short-sightedness I alluded to earlier in a prior post.
> We have firms with the right infrastructure (masts, generators, workers
> etc) already in use in this country and before we ran off to procure
> equivalent from China, we ought to have procured what is already available
> locally.
> That is why the 2nd infrastrucure bid ought to have been local to protect
> our already existing investments.
> Another reason, national interest should dictate that we shouldnt rely on
> external parties for such critical infrastructure before we already have
> one from amongst our own in place.
> But we now know someone didnt see it that way. There was no money to be
> made using whats already there, best to buy everything new, since the 'cut'
> is likewise larger.

> And how do you do that? Open Tender!

As you all continue to propel this debate forward with what is otherwise
the right way of doing things, just keep at the back of your minds what
Ngigi Waithaka has said, and which nails it. The real truth is as
underlined above.
We all know this is the truth, but still prefer to waste our time trying to
find out 'WHY' - and that is good for us as it might inform how we do
things in the future. Road Construction, Signal Distribution, Coal Mining,
Standard Gauge Railway are all products of 'looking East'. They too look at
Africa for the same reasons we look East - scratch my back, oil my palm...
Who still doesn't understand how the Chinese do business?

Right now, it's CCK on the spotlight. Yes, this is an IT forum, but guys,
think outside the box!

Now back to 'listening mode'... I love the discourse.

Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."
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