[kictanet] Laptops - policy, budgets, data

Andrea Bohnstedt andrea.bohnstedt at ratio-magazine.com
Mon Aug 12 10:39:44 EAT 2013

Jason Lakin makes some excellent (and very very common sensical) points on
policies, budgets and data - concerns the laptop initiative as much as as
host of other issues:

'What is the vaunted laptop policy, for example? It is a matter of constant
discussion, yet we really do not know what it entails. This lack of clarity
leads to sterile debate. (...) Policies are not made on television or on
the radio. Serious policy must be written down, it must contain details,
and it must include information about costs. (...) Another point that seems
trivial but unfortunately needs repeating is that transparency about policy
is not enough. The data that government puts out must also be accurate.'


Apologies if anyone has posted this already.

Have a lovely week!
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