[kictanet] Poor Customer Service is no Customer Service

Mark Mwangi mwangy at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 09:32:45 EAT 2012

I have always had a favourable opinion of safaricom customer service
and I believe you haven't exhausted your avenues. email and twitter
always seem to work more efficiently. if the money has been withdrawn
by the lucky bugger then even safaricom cant help you.

On 12/6/12, Matunda Nyanchama <mnyanchama at aganoconsulting.com> wrote:
> Friends
> I finally encountered Safaricom's version of customer service after,
> inadvertently, sending money (via mpesa) to a wrong number.
> I called the number but the person was "mteja".
> Then I got advice to call 234, which gets automated response going like
> this:
> - for mpesa choose 1
> - stuff about the call being recorded
> - stuff about all agents being busy & try again later
> - disconnect!
> For over 3 days I have been trying in vain; and I gave up considering the
> amount of money (small compared to my time) in question.
> I suspect that there are many that give up on the same account I have.
> My guess: Safaricom's mpesa, as entrenched as it is, could face stiff
> assault and decline were there to be a competitor (of equal muscle) with
> better customer service. Or is customer service anathema in Kenya?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Matunda Nyanchama, PhD, CISSP; mnyanchama at aganoconsulting.com
> Agano Consulting Inc.;  www.aganoconsulting.com; Twitter: nmatunda;  Skype:
> okiambe
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Mark Mwangi


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