[kictanet] CCK hosting its website abroad

Ochieng Maxwell maxwell at barua.co.ke
Mon Apr 23 08:37:52 EAT 2012

Ochieng Maxwell
Technology Officer
Messaging Solutions 
P.o Box 44926-00100, Nairobi

Sent from my iPad 2

On Apr 22, 2012, at 23:37, Joseph Mucheru <mucheru at google.com> wrote:

> Grace/Wanjiku, 
> While I see the argument you are raising for local support, I think there is a bigger question as to whether the Internet is local? Also how many of the local hosting companies are locally owned? I think you should evaluate the total economic impact to Kenya and not base it on face value. It would be great if as an industry we answer some key questions and then decide whether it is beneficial to use "local" or imported. My phone is Korean, Laptop Apple (Chinese or US - you decide), Office furniture from a South African company, imported from Italy etc.. back to the subject of local hosting ..... How many Kenyans are  in the diaspora and using the Internet.  I think you are asking the wrong question. You should be asking about the quality of service to the visitor of the site. Various considerations go into where to host a service; 
> 1) Cost 
thought CCK should think of the bigger picture when it comes to cost, how much does it cost Kenyans to pay for international bandwidth to access CCK website and what is the purpose of the IXP and how do we promote it?
> 2) Security 
most Kenyan sites hosted outside the country mainly run on vps or dedicated hosting and are managed by web developers or "brokers" whose understanding of security is very minimal and are mainly control panel experts so I doubt if security is ever a major concern.

> 3) Quality of Service - where is your primary audience, what devices (mobile (feature or smart phone?, desktop, tablet )
with EA undersea fiber I thought audience location should not matter unless the website is hosted on dial up in someone's bedroom. Devices thought should be a developer thing.
> 4) Search Engine Ranking and optimisation - Discoverability
> 5) others ...
> Who is best positioned to provide this kind of comparison data? Can you investigate and give us feedback?
My assumption would be hosting locally would help Kenyans improve on their security knowledge , create a few jobs, give KPLC an extra income and another excuse for blackouts and not sure but would assume even CCK data is some sort of local content which needs to be consumed locally.

I think the most concern for hosting websites in Kenya is cost and KPLC, cost for CCK I doubt is an issue considering their responsibilities.  I also  doubt they can't find a provider with some reliable power backup system locally.

My 1 cent 
> Thanks
> Joe Mucheru
> On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Grace Githaiga <ggithaiga at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Quoting the article by Rebecca Wanjiku...
> For a regulator like the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK), you would expect them to be promoting services if the whole talk of how infrastructure has improved and how it is getting better. 
> http://www.wanjiku.co.ke/2012/04/cck-hosting-its-website-abroad/
> Rgds
> GG
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