[kictanet] Freedom of Information laws and records management/More questions

Grace Githaiga ggithaiga at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 26 00:55:38 EAT 2011

Matunda, Harry, Edith and Macharia
Your contributions are very important to this debate. 
It is true that in the course of the discussion, it has emerged that the topic may need further debate. It is emerging that records management is key in FOI, and that we need standards for records management including formats of storage.
Matunda raises two key points: 
1. That we need to discuss what standards would allow data interchange, and 
2. Do we foresee a situation where we will be able to transform data to knowledge which informs decisions?
Harry, you give a great suggestion on the need for a multistakeholder forum. Can ICT Board, e-goverment secretariat hear you on this one? I am sure listers will support your suggested theme Information Value Chain Management for Social Economic and Political Development .
Macharia Gaitho, I have a feeling that you have echoed the sentiments of many Kenyans when you say your concern is about FOI as a basic right. 
Edith, great that you have provided us with themes that should be tackled in FOI. And you got me thinking: should we not start discussing/contributing to the FOI bill? We can be proactive so that article 35 of the the Constitution can be implemented...soon:)....I feel the energy from listers....
Have a great day. 
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