[kictanet] what really merits discussion on KICTANET

Alice Munyua alice at apc.org
Mon Mar 7 21:29:39 EAT 2011

Dear all

Although consumer satisfaction are policy/regulatory related issues, let 
us please avoid turning this list into a service provider help-list. It 
is not fair to other listers and  to the operators compelled to respond 
in this manner.

This list aims to provide a collaborative multi stakeholder forum/space 
for policy and regulatory discussions and engagement in support of the 
government's mission to enable all Kenyans to gain maximum benefit from 
opportunities offered by ICTs.  So would be a much more beneficial 
exercise if we discussed these issues within the context of  quality of 
service and consumer protection.

On the other hand,  operators may wish to set up a similar list for 
customer interactions?

Thanks and best


> Or, if anyone wants to use this forum to convey complaints to 
> operators, could we possibly then introduce a subject line that 
> clearly identifies the email as such? Then I can delete those.
> On 7 March 2011 11:41, Francis Hook <francis.hook at gmail.com 
> <mailto:francis.hook at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi All,
>     With all due respect to various subscribers of data/voice and
>     other services who have genuine grievances against various
>     operators and their services, I feel compelled to ask what the
>     scope of discussions is on KICTANET?   And could those discussions
>     be within an actionable framework e.g. what does the comms act say
>     abt poor QoS, what are the metrics for measuring network quality, etc.
>     Otherwise as it stands, its no more different than the "Watchman"
>     column in the Daily Nation.   And to a certain extent I suspect
>     its being used as an online focus group - to test waters and gauge
>     opinions.  In other instances some subliminal (individual or
>     corporate) marketing creeps in.
>     Can the moderators please stand up and offer clarity on what
>     really merits discussion?
>     -- 
>     Francis Hook
>     +254 733 504561
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