[kictanet] Open Data - Where does it sit?- its just thebeginning.

aki aki275 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 14:34:12 EAT 2011

I'd like to point out some things about the datasets. If the dataset mobile
implementers are looking at providing applications with maps that show the
nearest hospital or toilet facility close to or near ones county, then we
are in bigger problems. This localised knowledge is already known, and has
no effect on how the sets get used. If the sets are based on population
distributions or expenditure distributions, what new are they putting on the
maps? What effects, if any, does the knowlegde of knowing that how the
expenditure was used will allow kenyans to participate in the future
expenditure process?

The question then goes out that WHO are they building the application maps
for ?

In my amatuer view, I believe that the hosting system Socrata is nothing
more than a Venture Capitalist creation and funded, and I can understand all
those bees flocking around to collect the nectar and their prove worth as
apps builders. The application builders are also out for the same nectar,
looking for VC funding or to maintain continuity of VC funding. I think we
just made a VC funded company more successful by hosting country data on its
systems. Now it seems the Venture Capitalists have finally managed to take
our data for their own sake of existence.

I could also be very wrong, corrections are welcome :-)

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