[kictanet] Scramble for New Domain Names Begins

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Mon Feb 7 22:57:08 EAT 2011

Hi Alice,

As one of GoK reps on the GAC of ICANN, can you tell us what the GoK
position on new gTLds will be?

On .xxx/.gay/.whatever is is that some people find offensive?

Will you be supporting the US position that governments get a veto?


"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Alice Munyua <alice at apc.org> wrote:
> http://slatest.slate.com/id/2284157/
> Scramble for New Domain Names Begins
> For years, most internet addresses have relied on a standard set of Web
> addresses ending in .com, .net, and .edu. Now, an impending mass expansion
> of domain names is set to add subject-specific (and potentially
> controversial) suffixes into the mix. The Washington Post reports that .god,
> .gay, and .islam are just some of the infinite number of names to be
> introduced in a move that may make the Internet more intuitive, or just more
> irritating. Naturally this will throw up the usual set of controversies:
> Who, for example, gets to control .abortion, .muhammad, and .nazi? The new
> suffixes will be dolled out by an obscure nonprofit based in California that
> OKed the expansion in 2008 but still hasn't figured out exactly how it will
> work. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers will come to a
> decision this spring and then begin considering proposals from companies and
> government. ICANN has encouraged applicants to "Join the Internet land
> rush!" on its Web site, although the new suffixes will come at a price. It
> costs $185,000 just to apply, plus an annual $25,000 fee to operate the new
> domain name. Critics say the "landrush" is simply a moneymaking scheme for
> the group and corporations that own the domains. The chairman of ICANN says
> the high fees are necessary because the nonprofit anticipates a lot of
> suffix-related lawsuits.
> --
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