[kictanet] Update on Digital Villages trips August 10, 2011

warigia bowman warigia at aucegypt.edu
Wed Aug 10 22:18:34 EAT 2011

Dear Listers

We have completed the first phase of our DV and Pasha research. It has been


We are hoping that Francis Hook will be the lead on the Western link.
We are also hoping that Wainana will be the lead on the Nyanza link.
I will try to take a brief look at some spots on the coast.

*Is there anyone on the list who can lead a group to Embu Meru? *Are there
people on the list who can provide a car for Embu Meru, and are there people
who can help go along and assist with gas money? Are there other people who
want to finish off the road to *Kajiado Kitengela or look at spots anywhere
else? *

Are there any people on the list who are willing to sit with me for a *training
on how to administer the protocol?  *

It would be ideal to wrap up this research insofar as possible by the end of
the month. I leave Kenya August 23, and I need to take as many surveys as
possible with me, so I can analyze them.

Please email me at *warigia at gmail.com* if you are interested in either of
these matters.

Regards, Warigia

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 4:01 AM, warigia bowman <warigia at aucegypt.edu> wrote:

> Dear Listers
> Here is the schedule as it currently stands. We will visit both ICT Board
> pashas and Safaricom Dvs.
> *Monday, August 8th: Visit Nyeri.* Victor Gathara providing transport. I
> think we have room for one more person in the car. Please pitch in a bit for
> gas if you want to come.
> Tuesday, August 9th: Unscheduled (working with Patrick Mule from Safaricom)
> *Wednesday, August 10: Visit Ukambani*. Warigia Bowman providing
> transport. I think we have room for two more in the car.
> Thursday unscheduled.
> Friday unscheduled.
> *Saturday August 13th: Wainana is flying to Nyanza*, and will evaluate
> locations there.
> *If you have a car, and are willing to lead a trip please advise.* This is
> a civil society effort. Safaricom is not providing funding. We are
> self-funding.
> Sincerely, Rigia
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