[kictanet] CCK vs Safaricom?- and now Safcom vs the Rest?

Walubengo J jwalu at yahoo.com
Tue May 4 09:32:03 EAT 2010

the drama continues,

in a louder paid-up advert in today's press Yu, Orange and Zain support the CCK regulations and dispute yesterday's Safcom's complaint.  All these without the public (or is it me?) not having copies of what they are arguing about!

Someone told me the copies of this regulations are available at the Government Printers at a small fee.  Halloo? Assuming I leave in Lokichoggio, Should i spend two days on the road to come and pickup some hard-copy regulations that should be downloadable?

Sergon, can you help me, where does this leave you with your eGovernment stories?


--- On Mon, 5/3/10, Walubengo J <jwalu at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Walubengo J <jwalu at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [kictanet] CCK vs Safaricom?
To: jwalu at yahoo.com
Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Date: Monday, May 3, 2010, 10:55 AM

Just seen a loud complaint from Safcom in today's Daily Nation.  They 
quoted four regulations that have been gazetted and I have searched 
www.cck.go.ke to get a mouse on them but failed.  

Anybody with e-copies on these regulations or specific
 url can plse update.


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