[kictanet] Day 10/11 of 12- BPO Discussions, Strengths and Weaknesses (Observations from USA and UK); and Trends and Niches

Gakuru Alex alexgakuru.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 18:08:38 EAT 2009

On The Rules of Journalism and nationalism, Jon Swift's Rule 3 "The
only exception to Rules 1 and 2 is that during wartime journalists
must be patriotic and not write anything that might undermine the
government or the war effort or lower morale. Wearing a flag pin on
one's lapel is a good way to demonstrate you are adhering to this
rule. Reporters should always remember that they are Americans first,
journalists second and human beings third."

Contriving above, several have alluded that ours is a 'chaotic'
self-interest media whose journalists first writer for the (media)
businesses, next for own poverty eradication, a few professional
journalists, comedian radio broadcasters on sex-breakfast-talk-shows,
and finally, after kenya burns,,, as they become 'patriotic' Kenyans.
Why would Freedom House say they excercise self-censorship?

"Though individual internet users generally seem comfortable
expressing themselves freely online, mainstream media organizations’
online portals and their correspondents practice some

These things raise some legitimacy questions on otherwise honest calls
for "Sacred Press Freedom." Debatable, of course...

PS: I have attached "Why consumers are dissatisfied with the media" views.

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Wainaina
Mungai<wainaina at madeinkenya.org> wrote:
> Well,
> I am a mwananchi wa kawaida first...then a media or ICT person.
> Thinking as a mwananchi, i'd prefer a media that listens to wananchi.
> The bit that is similar in both govt&media is the insistence that they
> "speak for us" but neither wants to "listen to us".
> Listen to the IDPs and you'd temper the politics and focus on
> development. Listen to the hungry youth and you'd discuss solutions -
> not (only) point fingers.
> That said, it's not a media versus government war. It's meant to be
> engagement in various ways so as to achieve the good for mwananchi.
> However - most of our media is part of the 'capritalist class' being
> vilified by some.
> Resilience must be our greatest strength as a nation.
> Wainaina
> On 6/15/09, dmakali at yahoo.com <dmakali at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I wonder, does the media report for outsiders or kenyans who need the info
>> to make decisions in their daily lives? We live right here and the media has
>> a duty to report reality not make-believe propaganda for foreign investors.
>> Government shud fix the corruption, insecurity, infrastructure etc to create
>> an environment for investment not plead with the media to abdicate its
>> obligation to report accurately. If it did that it would be an accomplice in
>> deception. No need burying our heads in the sand for short term gain.
>> I have been to many countries and nothing tells me the kenyan media is
>> crazy, save for common professional shortcomings. If govt functioned half as
>> much as the media in the pursuit of greater kenya, we wud be far!
>> Last nite hundreds of pepole, me included, were stranded at moi airport in
>> msa because there were no lights on the runway so no planes could land or
>> take off.
>> I dont know how many pple missed their connecting international flights but
>> that does more damage to investor confidence than crime reports. I read
>> those everywhere i go but not about airports that have no lights. And that
>> takes just a generator. Or is that among the unspecified services that the
>> mysterious 1.5b in the budget will cater for? Long shot.
>> Bottomline- the media cant just be improvised to promote the interests of
>> the business and capitalist class. There is the rest of us citizens whose
>> welfare, life and worries too must be reported. Besides, it will be the same
>> media that will be whipped for keeping quiet when things were going wrong.
>> Remember the election fiasco? Yes, better blame the media now rather than
>> later for not warning of the danger lurking in our midst. Dont beseech the
>> media to join in the collective national amnesia and deception of the world.
>> Ask the govt to deal with the issues.
>> David
>> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: bitange at jambo.co.ke
>> Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 12:37:06
>> To: <dmakali at yahoo.com>
>> Cc: 'KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions'<kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
>> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day 10/11 of 12- BPO Discussions, Strengths
>>  andWeaknesses (Observations from USA and UK); and Trends and Niches
>> Listers,
>> Please take a moment and see what is on-line from our papers today and
>> understand what I am trying to say.  You cannot convince even our people
>> in the diaspora to invest in Kenya.  Compare that with what SA has on the
>> web from their papers.  They have managed their violence especially on
>> foreingners well even as it continues.  We are showing machetes to
>> investors without critical analysis and how we see the future of our
>> country.
>> The few potential investors I met this morning are distgusted with what
>> they see.  Allow me to request my brother Linus who is on this list to
>> remove the picture please.
>> Ndemo.
>>> Dr. Ndemo,
>>> I stopped watching news in the local media a while back. Too much negative
>>> stuff affecting the peace and tranquility I expect in my home.
>>> There is a lot of crime in S.A. yet the country is geared to host the
>>> World
>>> Cup come next year. How are they working to make it a success?
>>> I support you fully. It is high time we Kenyans started to think
>>> nationally
>>> as  a nation. To  look at the positives. We live in a real world and
>>> things
>>> will not always be perfect in any country, Kenya included.
>>> Therefore we should promote the positive aspects of Kenya first before we
>>> can expect outsiders to support us.
>>> Sammy Buruchara
>>> CEO NairobiNet Ltd
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: kictanet-bounces+sammy=opensystems.co.ke at lists.kictanet.or.ke
>>> [mailto:kictanet-bounces+sammy=opensystems.co.ke at lists.kictanet.or.ke] On
>>> Behalf Of bitange at jambo.co.ke
>>> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 12:11 PM
>>> To: sammy at opensystems.co.ke
>>> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
>>> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day 10/11 of 12- BPO Discussions, Strengths
>>> andWeaknesses (Observations from USA and UK); and Trends and Niches
>>> Prof.
>>> We should understand the impact of internet better.  Our papers are
>>> on-line and they contribute the greatest content out there.  A potential
>>> investor trying to surf the net, gets mostly negative information.  I am
>>> not against our media but they could do better in setting the agenda.  A
>>> few examples may help here.
>>> It is not only Kenya that has suffered the youth bulge.  This is something
>>> that has affected countries world over.  The US suffered in the 1930's
>>> leading the country to get rid of the problem by investing heavily on
>>> public works and the war.  In China they put much of their people into
>>> labour intensive public works (roads, energy, ICTs ets).  While they did
>>> this they also suffered a high rate of crime.  This is how the Al Capones
>>> came up.  Italy has had a mafia crisis over a long period of time but the
>>> media there did not only focus on crime.  They suggested economic
>>> solutions that have helped reduce crime in the south go down.  When we
>>> write about mungiki, we should also suggest a way forward.  We must also
>>> create hope for our people because we are all responsible for what happens
>>> in our land.
>>> The recent US elections were all about hope that things will change.  Look
>>> at the Uhuru Budget.  It was a budget of hope.  But read our yesterday
>>> papers.  While one Media house attempted to create hope.  The other
>>> focused on hopelessness - "the devil is in the details" - yet for once we
>>> were united in hope for our future.  I had expected many positive
>>> headlines out of the budget but I was disappointed.  This is a budget we
>>> should have leveraged to create a new Kenya.  A Kenya where we all have
>>> hope.  It gave us our much a waited new constitution.  That we can devolve
>>> our resources based on the districts.  That we may not need to dismantle a
>>> constitution that has relatively served us well for more than 40 years.
>>> That we may need only Parliament to amend only the governance aspects of
>>> our constitution as many civilized countries do.  This where media had a
>>> chance to set the agenda for this country but they have yet again wasted
>>> the opportunity.  It is not too late for them to bring hope.  The Vision
>>> 2030 can be achieved if we all agree that it will bring the desired
>>> change.
>>> I am glad we deviated a little but this discussion will shape our future
>>> policies.  Where we all respect one another.
>>> Regards
>>> Ndemo.
>>>> Dr. Ndemo,
>>>> You have captured very well the problem with us Kenyans. At the same
>>>> time,
>>>> it is important to acknowledge that we have very many people who are
>>>> positive and are doing very good things for this country. But they are
>>>> drowned by the bad elements amongst us. However, things will not change
>>>> if
>>>> we do not make a deliberate change intervention. According to me, it
>>>> will
>>>> be
>>>> almost impossible to achieve V2030 with this attitude. We must change.I
>>>> strongly believe that there is a 4th pillar that V2030 conceptualization
>>>> missed - NATIONAL COHESION. It is what is required to move forward and
>>>> fulfil the other plans. We could therefore argue that we need to sell
>>>> Kenya
>>>> to Kenyans before we go out to foreigners. Otherwise all the positive
>>>> messages that will be put out there in selling Kenya to investors by
>>>> whoever
>>>> (assuming we can get this right in the first instance) will soon be
>>>> negated
>>>> by the bad attitudes that you speak of. And who said Kenya must be
>>>> developed
>>>> by outsiders?
>>>> I hope I have not sounded like a barking dog.
>>>> tim mwololo
>>>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:16 AM, <bitange at jambo.co.ke> wrote:
>>>>> Catherine, some barking dogs are causing untold pain to our people.
>>>>> Hate
>>>>> against Kenyans in Tanzania is at its worst.  Irrespective who you are,
>>>>> you
>>>>> are refered to as Mungiki who is after grabbing Tanzanian land.  Whom
>>>>> do
>>>>> you
>>>>> think created this image for our people?
>>>>> Mungiki is more of any economic crisis in our country but our Media has
>>>>> refused to link the two.  We lack analytical depth in our media houses.
>>>>>  What you read is petty fitina.  When a media house purpots that "Cable
>>>>> lands into financial trouble" do you think such media has the interests
>>>>> of
>>>>> this country at heart?  If they did they should have asked the right
>>>>> questions before publishing.  I do not think they have a clue how such
>>>>> any
>>>>> article impacts the country negatively.
>>>>> The audience of what is published locally is not only Kenyan people who
>>>>> read it.  We must love our country and stop hoping that someone else
>>>>> will
>>>>> change our image.  The sad part is that all of what has been read
>>>>> throughout
>>>>> the world are all lies.  Some people reading this may never know that
>>>>> it
>>>>> was
>>>>> not true.
>>>>> This what I meant to say that negativity will fail us and we should
>>>>> check
>>>>> every barking dog.
>>>>> Ndemo
>>>>> Sent from my BlackBerryR
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Catherine Adeya <elizaslider at yahoo.com>
>>>>> Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 07:36:34
>>>>> To: <bitange at jambo.co.ke>
>>>>> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day 10/11 of 12- BPO Discussions, Strengths and
>>>>>        Weaknesses (Observations from USA and UK); and Trends and Niches
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