[kictanet] Day 6 of 10-KCA 2008-Tuendelee ama Tusiendelee?(Paused)
John Walubengo
jwalu at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 19 12:01:25 EAT 2009
Bill, Nyaki et al,
You got me been thinking...we have NOT been asking Listers on what THEY want discussed. No wonder participation/contributions have been declining over the years...
I just thought we should do a reality check and ask - should we discuss the Kenya Communications Act 2008 in totality or we just wrap up what has been said so far?
We are over 300 Listers and I only need at least (10%) that is 30 'Ayes or Yes' votes between now and end of tomorrow (Tue 20th Jan 2009) in order to continue.
eMail in your vote to the LIST (transparency), starting now and I will just do the tallying - i will avoid Form16A ;-).
Let the people decide.
--- On Sun, 1/18/09, Catherine Adeya <elizaslider at yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Catherine Adeya <elizaslider at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day 5 of 10-KCA 2008, IT Section - the Bad + Recommendations
> To: jwalu at yahoo.com
> Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Date: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 1:16 AM
> I do agree with the authors (I believe from an IDRC
> publication) who wrote ".....the link between policy
> research and policy-making is
> non-linear. Researchers must be flexible and agile in their
> timing and
> approaches if they are to influence economic policies. They
> should be
> willing and able to re-assess the situation at any point in
> time, and
> to re-visit their course of action or strategy".
> Failing to plan is planning to fail. Research is not for
> research sake; research should and can inform policy. Many
> research centres were created in response to the need to
> develop
> policies that are home-grown, given the context of the
> failures of
> imported policies. Many policymakers run back to the very
> researchers who they would listened to in the first place to
> ensure they work in partnership; however researchers must
> work in a timely manner. Essentially, Walu, is on the right
> track.
> Best,
> Nyaki
> ________________________________
> From: Bill Kagai <billkagai at gmail.com>
> To: elizaslider at yahoo.com
> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
> <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:23:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day 5 of 10-KCA 2008, IT Section -
> the Bad + Recommendations
> OK, I am convinced. This discussion is to do with research
> and I commend that.
> The only catch I can foresee is captured very well by
> Physicist Dr. Angeyo Kalambuka...quoting him verbatim,
> [However, normally, academics look backward to find
> lessons;
> policymakers look ahead and often must improvise. Academics
> can wait
> until all the facts are in; policymakers cannot. The time
> horizon of
> academics may be years; the horizon of policymakers, weeks,
> days, even
> hours.]
> Source -
> http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/-/440808/513790/-/428722/-/index.html
> This is the key difference between David Makali and co.
> (who are making
> things happen and shaping the future) and 'us' who
> are waiting to
> derive research from the action Media policy makers take.
> That is why
> they are a step ahead of us. Walu is our Academician. Where
> are our
> policy makers who will influence our future??
> Bill
> On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Barrack Otieno
> <otieno.barrack at gmail.com> wrote:
> If
> i may contribute to this exchange i think the discussion is
> important
> Bill. The Law is already in place , however everyone seems
> to be having
> their own opinion on the Pro's and Cons of the New law
> which is
> counterproductive in the long run for the sector.Dont
> forget there are
> vested interests and sideshows in this whole Law
> issue, as practitioners it is important that we are all
> informed on the
> benefits (or good tidings) that the new new law brings and
> the
> challenges it might bring to the sector in the long run.In
> short as
> others are submitting their petitions let the debate
> continue, we were
> challenged at the Hilton Forum to embrace Research and the
> kind of
> information being exchanged on this forum is of utmost
> importance to
> all members.
> On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 3:55 PM, John Walubengo
> <jwalu at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Bill,
> I
> have no game plan, I am an Academician and so find that I
> am able to
> look at this issues from each stakeholders perspective
> relatively
> objectively - and yes my effort was 'duly'
> commissioned by the
> KICTANet National Cordinator - though not digitally signed
> :-(.
> This 10day exercise is not intended in anywway to undermine
> any
> other 'fact-finding' exercise and I believe the
> Ministry (of Info) does
> have the resources to multi-task and receive ideas from
> face-2-face
> workshops, online workshops, et al.
> With regard to timeliness - last I heard was that Wako (AG)
> and/or
> Parliament can only begin to debate the suggested
> recommendations/proposals in April 2009 under a new Bill.
> So my take is
> that we have enough time for KICTAnet, ISACA and/or any
> other
> Stakeholder to submit their ideas.
> Why go into the other Sections -IT, Telco, Postal, etc?.
> Again, my
> brief was to do total review of ALL sections - avoid being
> trapped in
> the over-hyped Media vs Govt debate because all the other
> sections are
> important too and could stand to benefit from a review.
> I attach the Program Outline which I posted on Day 1 and
> looks like
> you missed it (hence your suspicions?). Nevertheless, If
> members wish
> that we rest the discussion, I will close the discussion
> and move out
> of the Chair accordingly.
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