[kictanet] Kibaki signs Bill into law

Thomas Kamire tkamire at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 01:25:22 EAT 2009

These guys knew what they were doing the chair of the committee has
promise to look at what they can ammend I believe Hon Rege will do as
he has said the fourth estate should get him to keep his promises.
This bill has other areas which the ICT industry has been waiting for
a very long time for it to grow

On 1/2/09, Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack at gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess his excellency has a point despite the fact that it may not be
> a popular decision, the media has genuine concerns which in my opinion
> should be given the attention they deserve but the bill also addresses
> other ICT sectors which are crucial in this country, but i would urge
> our brothers in the fourth estate to approach the issue with some
> sobriety, we are a civilised society and dialogue should be given a
> chance on any contentious issues if we are to move forward.
> Regards
> On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Wainaina Mungai
> <wainaina at madeinkenya.org> wrote:
>> Happy New Year for ICT development in Kenya.
>> We can now look at the Media's concerns on the Kenya Communications
>> Act and support whatever  amendments may be justified.
>> Wainaina
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Thomas Kamire
Cell:  +254 (721) 499 884, +254 (722) 483 253, +250 0330 2285
All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act
without benefit of experience

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