[kictanet] Kenya opens door to foreign telecoms investors - From Ugandan

Odhiambo Washington odhiambo at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 19:46:41 EAT 2008

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 2:17 PM,  <gichuru at gmail.com> wrote:
> I keep asking myself , how much change can you effect by complaining
> and criticizing the ones who are actually working? How many of you
> criticizing the PS and other government initiative are in Kenya
> contributing to the economic growth? How many have tried running a
> business in this country in the last 10 years and can testify to
> growth?

Hello Gichuru,

What is your point my brother? Being physically in KE is not the only
way to contribute to the economic growth of this nation. Do you know
what the billions (or the millions, to be mild) that are remitted from
the diaspora end up? Don't they elevate some citizens economically?

> I am not saying more cant be done, but appreciate what has been
> done..... But if you really have something to say a burning desire to
> share, dont talk about the KLM story, KQ Story, we already know about
> them, lets hear about your story.. what are you doing or have you
> done? Lets judge for ourselves if you can deliver given a chance....

The subject/topic of contention so far has been transparency. The only
downside to it has been the fact that some contributors did get
hysterical and lost objectivity in the process.
>From my own point of view, policies need to be made transparently and
this means putting all the cards on the table for the stakeholders to
make informed decisions, and for the policy to be formulated after
through consideration.
It's not bad to tell the PS where he's missed the right step, but it's
wrong to call him names. Generally it's not right to call people names
without any justification, and even with justification on the wrong

For all I have known, this forum has never been for those who want to
tell their stories, but discussions gravitating around ICT Policy

Best regards,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"
                        --from a /. post

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