[kictanet] Hannah Mutuku - An Employee whom Safaricom Can do without

wesley kiriinya kiriinya2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 14 16:01:21 EAT 2008


These are the sort of things that can make a grown man cry!


--- On Fri, 11/14/08, John Maina <j.maina at ymail.com> wrote:

From: John Maina <j.maina at ymail.com>
Subject: [kictanet] Hannah Mutuku - An Employee whom Safaricom Can do without
To: kiriinya2000 at yahoo.com
Cc: ke-internetusers at bdix.net, "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Date: Friday, November 14, 2008, 1:24 AM

The worst experience ever.
The date is 13th November and the place is Safaricom Moi Avenue. My
problem, lost data card which I wanted blocked since I dont have money
to buy a new 3g modem to replace the stolen modem plus data card.
The retort from Hannah Mutuku, she cant do anything, I have lost the
card, I will have to pay every month even if the card is not working.
I thought that in case of a card getting lost and you suspend it, you
pay a standing account maintenance charge until when the account is
terminated or restored. Ooh My God. Safaricom is a fraud and with the
arrogance and boisterous manner of Hannah Mutuku, you can do nothing
about it.
She was not listening. And she was not ready to reveal her true
identity and tag and kept hiding it until when I called the
Administration Police that I was getting irritated and infact I was
causing a scene. Hannah told me to my face that I can do nothing about
it. I left saddened. I have a post paid account with Safaricom and two
prepaid lines. I threw the pre paid lines away already with lots anger
in me. I was mistreated in Safaricom. I was molested. I was insulted.
In safaricom, employees boasts of cronysm and what connections they
have from above.
Ooh God help me. I really suffered and am ready to move on. What I
need is Safaricom to block my post paid line since, to my word, I wont
pay a cent in that line and I am ready to face the consequences. fraud
is not a good way of making business.
We must stop frauds pretending to make profit. I need my account
terminated and know that I wont pay a single cent. I know that our
media fear loosing lots of advertising fees and thats why anything
which portrays the cellphone companies in bad light wont see a day in
any of the three big media houses. None of them will dare question.
But the fact that this is the third problem I am having with Safaricom
centre twice at Moi Avenue and once at I&M proves to me something,
something is terribly wrong with the Safaricom customer care and
people like Hannah Mutuku just proved that. One arrogant lady who
seems to be well connected. I dont know how, but surely she seemed so.
And she is a supervisor.
I need a blockage on my line since I wont pay for a stolen line. I wont Kenyansregards
mikeoketch at gmail.com
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