[kictanet] Marketing Kenya as a BPO Destination

aki aki275 at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 21 17:56:47 EAT 2008

After research and on the issue of expensive bandwidth, below is a basic
bandwidth usage cost analysis for a call centre.

For a call centre, a BPO purchases a cir duplex 1Mbit/s @ Usd 5000 ( eg
325,000/- ksh ). After compression by voip equipment, it is possible to get
64 voice sessions per mbit. This means a total of 64 voice channels can be
used at any given time. If the call centre is offering full time capacity
services at 20 hours/day = 1200 minutes. 64 * 1200 = 76800 voice minutes *
30 = 2,304,000 total voice monthly minutes/325,000 = 7 / 64 = 0.11 kshs per
voice channel.
>From the calculation, each voice call costs 0.11 kshs per minute. Is this
cost too expensive to prevent a call centre from operating?

Corrections are welcome.

With Rgds.

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Wambui Wakarema <
wambuiwakarema at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Is the ICT Board aware that the BPO industry in Kenya is in crisis? Most of
> the BPO's and Call Centres have suspended operations due to the high cost of
> bandwidth. They are all waiting for the subsidy that never was. When is the
> subsidized bandwidh going to be released? There may be no BPO's to use it by
> the time it is released - if ever.
> Added to this is the struggle to get BPO work both locally and from
> overseas. Has the Board developed a strategy for marketing Kenya as an
> outsourcing destination? Am not talking about haphazard marketing activities
> and expos. What is the long term strategy? Can industry players have a look
> at this strategy or plan?
> Wambui Wakarema
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