[kictanet] New DG

wainaina at madeinkenya.org wainaina at madeinkenya.org
Sat Jul 26 04:03:19 EAT 2008

Kudos Brian...

For elevating the debate to a whole new level.

I can now confidently congratulate the new DG on his appointment and
request all nay-sayers to "let it go" and support Njoroge.


On 7/25/08, Joseph Manthi <jmanthi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Bryan
> Well said
> New Vision is their way of saying that unless things go there way they
> shall scream and holler corruption all day long.
> As in this case.
> Let's use this case as an example - Shem thinks he should be the new
> DG not because he has the relevant experience but because he has a PhD
> in "imformatician"
>  From what you have indicated they seem to have made the right decision.
> Joe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 25, 2008, at 5:33 AM, "Brian Longwe" <blongwe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wow,
>> I think you guys are now just arguing for the sake of arguing.
>> Some facts to help clear the air.
>> 1) Mr. Njoroge has been with CCK since it's inception
>> 2) Mr. Njoroge has been working as second violin to all of the
>> preceding DGs
>> 3) The position was advertised broadly in all the local dailies by a
>> reputable International "Executive Appointments" firm
>> 4) The said firm processed applications, came up with a short list,
>> presented this to the CCK board
>> 5) CCK board interviewed all candidates
>> 6) CCK Board conducted follow up interviews on all candidates who
>> passed first interview
>> 7) CCK Board independently selected the highest scoring
>> candidate ... Mr. Njoroge
>> 8) CCK Board forwarded their recommendation to the Minister/President
>> 9) A lot of politicians tried to "get their man in" - thus wasting a
>> lot of time
>> 10) The Minister/President did the wise thing and ratified the
>> Board's recommendation
>> 11) Mr. Njoroge was announced as the new DG
>> Is this the way things should be done? Yes!
>> Should we wish/hope for our Government to use a different approach?
>> No!
>> So I'm happy and elated that we for the first time have a DG who has
>> served in/with the regulator for over 8 years.
>> As Manthi has put it - let us see if he can deliver - I have a
>> feeling he will.
>> Regards,
>> Brian
>> ps - what is this New Vision list I see copied whenever Shem is
>> mentioned?
>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Joseph Manthi <jmanthi at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> See below
>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Odhiambo Washington <odhiambo at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Joseph Manthi <jmanthi at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Washington:
>> > I am not being personal, everything I have stated here is either
>> what Shem
>> > has said himself and what is in public record. One thing about
>> democracy is
>> > that the person in power appoints his people. When that person is
>> off power,
>> > all his people are replace with those of the new "presidents"
>> political
>> > persuasion. I do not see what you guys are whining about.
>> In the US, the person in power appoints, and the appointee gets vetted
>> by Congress,
>> which has the rights to refuse such an appointment, yes? That is
>> democracy.
>> In Kenya, where noone can vet, do you still call it democracy?
>> That is Parliament's problem not CCK or of this forum. If the
>> parliament does not want to exercise its prerogative to change laws
>> that allow it to oversee parastatals who are to complain if
>> appointments are skewed to one side. The only other recourse you and
>> I have is to make sure that we vote the right candidate in - that is
>> Democracy. We have a new parliament lets hope they listen to you.
>> BTW: If you did not know it Dr Shem Ochuodho was an MP. Did he table
>> a motion to give the parliament powers to oversee appointment of CCK
>> DGs?
>> I do not know
>> > Under the circumstances, the current leadership would have
>> appointed a
>> > village idiot to run CCK because according to them the idiot was
>> qualified
>> > and there would have been nothing wrong with that. You are
>> listening way too
>> > much to the WB/IFC to be of any good to the country. This guy has
>> worked in
>> > CCK - as someone else has stated. He probably knows more about
>> deregulation
>> > and ICT than 90% of the subscribers to this list - me and Shem
>> included -
>> > because deregulation is an economic concept. I expect him to lead
>> the CCK
>> > into the right direction.
>> >
>> > Having some ICT knowledge does not make you a good Regulator
>> Manager. The
>> > problem with people complaining too much is that their audience
>> stops
>> > listening.
>> >
>> > Give the guy a chance and stop whining about who should and who
>> should not
>> > have been appointed.
>> So according to you, the status quo is equally good?
>> Then surely, I believe you are wrongly in this list, which seeks to
>> establish changes by
>> coming up with policies that can see this country move to the next
>> level!
>> You are reverting back to stone age arguments.
>> This is a political argument. I do not know the new guy, so neither
>> do you. And therefore you do not know his capability. Give him a
>> chance to prove himself. After all I am sure the full cabinet
>> including the PM's office was in on the appointment. Did they raise
>> hell because of his appointment? No. They obviously know something
>> you or I do not.
>> Again - from studying places where Regulation and Deregulation has
>> happening - you do not need an "informatician" - whatever that is -
>> to run an ICT house or a regulator.
>> An example:
>> - Steve Ballmer can't write a single line of code
>> - Ratan Tata probably does not know what an RJ45 cable is
>> - To name a few
>> These two guys are running some of the best run ICT companies in the
>> world
>> Joe
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Odhiambo WASHINGTON,
>> Nairobi,KE
>> +254733744121/+254722743223
>> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
>> "Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"
>>  --from a /. post
>> --
>> Joseph Manthi
>> CEO
>> MEO Ltd
>> http://www.meoltd.com
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>> Brian Munyao Longwe
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