[kictanet] What would it take to make a better Kenya?

Eric Osiakwan eric at afrispa.org
Tue Jan 8 19:36:05 EAT 2008

On 8 Jan 2008, at 11:27, Bill Kagai wrote:

> On Jan 8, 2008 11:03 AM, brian <brian at caret.net> wrote:
> Alice posed an interesting question, here is my 1 para....
> 1) A better Kenya is one where leaders put country and electorate  
> before personal interest.
> 2) A better Kenya is one where we think before we act.
> 3) A better Kenya is one where we see ourselves as Kenyans and not  
> as tribes. Tanzania has 120 tribes and their sense of nationhood is  
> exemplary.
> 4) A better Kenya is one where our love for peace supersedes our  
> passion for power.
> 5. A better Kenya is where all have equal opportunities to improve  
> their livelihoods.
> 6. A better Kenya is where poverty will be a thing of the past.
> 7. A better Kenya is one where we don't become MP's because we have  
> money but because we have what it takes to be leaders.
> 8. A better Kenya is one where an African (like me) would come and  
> not be seen as a Ghanaian but an African
> -- 
> --
> Bildad Kagai
> MD - MediaCorp Limited
> Nairobi Stock Exchange [NSE] - Authorised Information Vendor
> Suite B2 Tetu Apartments StateHouse Avenue
> P. O. Box 20311-00200
> Tel. 254 20 272 8332
> Fax. Rendered Obsolete
> URL. www.mediacorpafrica.com
> --
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Eric M.K Osiakwan
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