[kictanet] Day 4 of 10:- eContent Requirements for Regulators

alice alice at apc.org
Mon Oct 15 18:07:47 EAT 2007

> "My question: besides colorful brochures what concrete actions are our  
> regulators taking to ensure that every citizen is aware of their  
> rights, privileges and what services are available to them. Regards Brian"
The CCK recently unveiled the CCK service chatter that sets public 
expectations Re: dealing with the Commission and its staff 
interchangeably called the "The Customer Service Charter " it outlines 
rights and responsibilities and the procedure to follow if  CCK service 
standards are not met. available at www.cck.go.ke

Then there is a consumer center on the website, which includes some 
useful links e.g how to make a complaint, what you need to know about 
telecoms services, but is this enough?
I think the following  benchmarks 
(http://www.regulateonline.org/content/view/354/69/ ) for Latin American 
and Caribbean Regulatory Authority Websites are rather useful


above comments are personal and do not reflect any position of the organizations I am affiliated with

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