[kictanet] media workshop

FEMNET COMMUNICATION communication at femnet.or.ke
Thu Apr 19 09:34:23 EAT 2007

Dear Becky,


Greetings from the African Women's Development and Communication Network


Thank you for your invitation to attend the workshop for journalists to be
held on 26 April 2007. I will be pleased to attend on behalf of FEMNET.



Best regards


Magdalene Wanjugu

For Communications Programme

African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)

Reseau de Developpement et de Communications des Femmes Africaines

P.O. Box 54562, 00200

Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: +254 20 3741301/20

Fax: +254 20 3742927

Email: admin at femnet.or.ke

Website: http://www.femnet.or.ke


FEMNET aims to strengthen the role and contribution of African NGOs focusing
on women's development, equality and other human rights through
communications, networking, training and advocacy.


FEMNET est un reseau qui soutient le renforcement des capacites des femmes
dans les domaines du plaidoyer et de la communication a travers le travail
en reseau. Il facilite egalement les echanges d'informations, d'experiences,
et de strategies entre les organisations feminines en vue d'une veritable
promotion des droits humains et particulierement des droits de la femme.


From: kictanet-bounces+communication=femnet.or.ke at kictanet.or.ke
[mailto:kictanet-bounces+communication=femnet.or.ke at kictanet.or.ke] On
Behalf Of Rebecca Wanjiku
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:36 AM
To: communication at femnet.or.ke
Subject: [kictanet] media workshop


Kictanet and Kenya ICT journalists network will be holding a workshop for
journalists on April 26 at Jacaranda from 9 am to 1 pm,

the workshop, addressing OFC, FOI and ICT bill 

the workshop is basic and we expect to hold further training in a month or

if you are interested in attending, please confirm with me directly,




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