[Kictanet] Today's Outlook - ICT Coverage April 12th, 2006

Alari Alare Kenneth watoyi at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 12 15:45:42 EAT 2006

Today's Outlook

April 12th, 2006

Nation Newspaper

Under Business/Communications
Internet service targets small firms

And a picture captioned:UUNet Communications general
manager Robert Mugo explains how the firm's new
satellite service, known as Broadband VSAT, works

Under Business
Telkom Launches project to stop theft

Standard Newspaper

Under - Business
A picture captioned:
Cutting edge technology: UUNET Communications general
manager Robert Mugo unveils a new satelite
communication service. The broadband VSAT (Very Small
Aperture Terminal) will allow companies to access fast
communication from anywhere.

People Daily

Under Business/Finance
UUNET unveils new satelite Service (article/story)

And a picture captioned: UUNET gerenal manager Rober
Kariuki accompanied by Francis Solignac explains how
broadband VSAT operates at a Nairobi hotel yesterday
during the launch of the product.

Under Business/Finance
CCK gazettes global licences


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