[Kictanet] Re: .XXX Sidelined

John Walubengo jwalubengo at kcct.ac.ke
Mon Dec 5 08:02:48 EAT 2005

Now that the pornographic .xxx domain seems to have been 'veto-ed' due to US-Bush influence I find myself wondering if this was good or bad.

Don't get me wrong, I do not recommend porn, however, this veto-power that the US seems to hold over ICANN is what I believe got the rest of the world worried.  Today you may have an 'Evangelist' President sitting at Whitehouse and hence 'positively?' influencing ICANN, but what about tomorrow, when you may have an 'Atheist' or a 'Whatever' US President sitting at the Whitehouse, what then for ICANN and the rest of the Internet community?

nb: and coming to think of it from a technical perspective... if all porn sites were restricted and bundled onto the .xxx top level domain, it maybe easier to block them, than it is now when they are scattered all over different domains.

>>> "waudo siganga" <emailsignet at mailcan.com> 12/04/05 06:24pm >>>
Dear Colleagues,

Although news from Vancouver appears to be in short supply, one piece of
information is that ICANN removed the central porn domain .xxx from the
agenda where it was scheduled for approval. Developing countries have
consistently been against the registration of this top-level domain.

Kind Regards
Waudo Siganga
  waudo siganga
  emailsignet at mailcan.com 

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Submitted by: Waudo Siganga - (Int. address) <emailsignet at mailcan.com> 2005-12-04 10:31:12 EST5
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