<h1></h1><span class="pic_right" style="width:200px"></span>Almost 80% of enterprises that use Linux will be increasing their use of
Linux over the next five years, and 84% of them increased their Linux
use in the past year, despite the economic climate. More of these
companies will be reducing the number of Windows servers they use
(25.9%) than increasing them (21.7%) too. These figures are among the
results from the <a target="_blank" href="http://linuxfoundation.org/" rel="external">Linux Foundation's</a>
Linux Adoption Trends 2012 Enterprise End User survey, which measured
the responses of 1893 Linux users; the results of the survey focus on
the 428 respondents from organisations with over 500 employees or sales
greater than half a billion dollars.<br><br><a href="http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Survey-80-Linux-using-enterprises-will-increase-Linux-use-1417235.html">Please see this link to read more </a><br><br>Apologies for cross-posting.<br>