Hello listers, <br><br>I think this is the appropriate forum to raise this. The IFC has done a commendable job of detailing how hard it is to establish a business in Kenya (Here is the link <a href="http://bit.ly/fXZydd">http://bit.ly/fXZydd</a> ) , from registration of the legal entity to making of the seal after the whole incorporation thing. It takes anything from at the very least 15 days, which leads me to the question, Since all of this is just data, What can we do to: <br>
<br>1: Cut by half the number of days within, say two years. and then ... <br>2: Cut it all into a one day affair... <br><br>I may not be very well versed with operations at the registry but im still trying to understand why .... <br>
<br>a) One pays Ksh100 for a "search" if the systems have been automated so far... and . <br>b) Why it cant just be put online like the KENIC domain name search and just be made that easier. <br><br>Regards, <br>