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<title>Re: [kictanet] Media Condoning Corruption</title>
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<p> Is the media in a "pact" (tacit or otherwise) with some large telecoms companies NOT to publish anything negative about them, including complaints from consumers? Onstensibly they do not want to hurt the large but competitive advertising revenue streams??. Let's hope not true.</p><p>Unrelated, but still talking of complaints, I requested Safaricom to change my number 0722395900 from Postpaid to Prepaid on 9th January this year. The number went "off air" almost immediately and since then my visits to their offices and countless phone calls (using my Zain line) have borne all sorts of explanations and false promises but no service. How many calls have I missed in close to 2 weeks and why are these guys apparently struggling just to activate/migrate one number?</p><p>Waudo</p><pre>On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 08:12:19 +0300, "Victor Maloi" <victormaloi3@gmail.com> said:
</pre><blockquote class="QuoteMessage" type="cite"><div>Dear Folks,</div><div>On Monday the PS launched a Disaster Management System at Serena. The system objectives are to: 1) monitor incidences of extreme hunger in rural areas and 2) monitor incidences of corruption (stealing of relief food) in field offices. Within six hours, some 3,500 had called the 109 toll free number giving graphic details how releief food is being stolen by in some cases agents working for relief organization. The media safe for KBC and K24, blacked out this initiative.</div><div> </div><div>It has emerged that some directors of relief organizations were livid that the Government did not consult them. Indeed one of the major relief agency has employed people from one village. Instead of acting on the corruption vice, they approached media to form a partnership ostensibly to "help the poor". They are meeting this morning to announce the partnership while keeping a tight lid on the earlier initiatives. </div><div> </div><div>Yawe, Crystal, indeed Technology works but as you can see our brothers in the media can frustrate a noble objective to get even with government. Bwana PS, I know the FOI is not law yet but we demand that these revelations are published in alternative media if mainstream media is getting its hands dirtied.</div><div> </div><div>Victor.<br /> </div></blockquote>