I need two sales and marketing executives to be paid on commission
starting January 5th 2009. my company offers ICT related goods and
services. <br>
They should preferably be ladies. experience is not a must but a great personality and confidence is a must.<br>
please send CV to <a href=""></a><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Sincerely yours,<br><br><br><br>Nancy Bosire<br>Managing Director<br>Blueline Synergy Limited<br>Tel: 020 2317230/29<br>
Mobile: 0721907995<br><a href=""></a>,<a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a><br>
<br>Domain Registration.Web Design & Hosting.Software Development.LAN/WAN setup.Maintenance.Projectors.<br>New/Used PCs & Laptops.Computer Accessories.Office Stationary<br><br><br><br><br>"Your consistent thoughts create your consistent results."<br>
<br>"Whatever your mind expects<br>and demands, it will find a<br>way to produce it."<br>- Napoleon Hill<br><br>Mahatma Gandhi once said:-<br><br>First they ignore you,<br>Then they laugh at you,<br>Then they fight you,<br>
AND THEN YOU WIN!!!<br><br><br><br><br>