Hi all, <br><br>I know I am a little off-topic here but I could not resist to share this. For <br>a while now, I changed my DNS server settings resulting in remarkable <br>internet speed increase. Just this morning, one cyber cafe user asked <br>"How come your internet is much faster" so I thought you should all <br>know why, and also try it out if you like. <br><br>Do not try this (at home or office:-) if you don't know how to change DNS <br>Server settings on your internet connetion card. You know, that one with <br>an IP address, subnet mask then DNS Server, alternate DNS (for windows). <br><br>Remember to write down your current settings before changing so that you<br>can revert to them whenever you wish, if your not on Linux-based systems <br>which can take more than 2 DNS servers <br> <br>[>>FF>> <http://www.opendns.com/ (DNS 1 and <br>DNS2 Would appreciate if you let me know (off-list) <br>you if it
helps.]<br><br>They are saying:<br><br>"OpenDNS helps you navigate the Internet in a safer, faster, smarter and more <br>reliable way. Our service is free and requires nothing to download. OpenDNS <br>doesn't replace your existing Internet connection, it just makes it better."<br><br>"The only thing worse than a slow DNS service is an unreliable DNS service. <br>When DNS isn't working it appears as if the entire Internet isn't working. Our <br>service is built on our own high-performance network that is connected in <br>multiple cities and to many different networks. We know reliability is important, <br>and we stand behind ours."<br><br><http://www.opendns.com/what/> <br><br>Simply put, when one types a website address on to their browser, your <br>ISP's DNS Server resolve the characters into an IP address where and the<br>browser is then directed to that IP address.<br><br>What does DNS do?<br><br>DNS, the Domain Name System, translates the human addresses of
websites <br>and servers (like wikipedia.org) to the numerical address used by computers <br>( <br><br>Do I use DNS?<br><br>Every time you send an email or visit a web page, you are using DNS services.<br>We estimate most people make at least 100 DNS requests every day.<br><br>If you are unsure, readup some more from their site before making changes.<br><br>Thxs<br><br><br><p>
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