"Parliament Buildings to be ICT-compliant...To access it, you need to log into www.parliament.go.ke or www.bunge.go.ke" The Hon. House Speaker, Francis Ole Kaparo on 15TH DECEMBER, 2006. <br><br>With <font face="Verdana"><font size="-1"><a href="http://www.cj2007.com/" target="_top">www.cj2007.com</a> also </font></font>coming up soon, it appears 2007 aspirants read the Speakers speech well and are working at being Internet-Compliant hopefuls to fit-in the new house setting, which could only be good for our internet. The only question I have is, "what are they doing towards their rural constituents' internet access?" <br><br><snip><br><br>"politics has a lot to do with perception. It was therefore important<br>that whatever had to appear on the Website had to be true, factual,<br>accurate, right, correct and absolutely exact. Since an honourable<br>Member should not be capable of lying, things said about them and<br>Parliament should also not be untruths or
half-truths.<br><br>With the launch of the Website today, we are telling the public and<br>by inference, officers who are employed by the same public to<br>provide public services to them, that the era of guesswork, gossip,<br>blissful ignorance, inexactitude, subterfuge, conjecture, rumours,<br>innuendos, insinuations, lack of transparency and accountability in<br>managing public affairs is gone, buried and will never come back<br>again." <br><snip><br>http://www.bunge.go.ke/downloads/SPEAKERS%20SPEECH%20ON%20WEBSITE.pdf<br><br><font face="Verdana"><font size="-1"></font></font><p>
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