<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:lucida console,sans-serif;font-size:12pt">True that Ritah,<br>we partnering with local organized youth groups in Easlands to train them and give them a chance to learn how to run such a centre.<br><br>Jericho Estate popularly know to as "JERII" watch out for an e-learning centre soon.<br><br>Hope Ya'all shall find time to come.<br><div> </div><font face="courier">Best Regards, <br>Jose' Njuki-Imwe Ngunjiri</font><font color="#0000ff"><font face="courier"> || +254 722 336754 ||</font> </font><div style="font-family: lucida console,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"><br><br><div style="font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt;">----- Original Message ----<br>From: munyiva ritah <rmunyiva@yahoo.com><br>To: ngunjirijnr@yahoo.com<br>Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 3:20:01 PM<br>Subject: Re: [kictanet] E-Centre in Eastlands-Kimathi
Estate<br><br><div>Cool idea on the E-centre, maybe we could get more of<br>this in Eastlands.<br>Ritah<br>--- Judy Okite <judyokite@gmail.com> wrote:<br><br>> This is soo cool...Jose,<br>> <br>> I need to link up with you of the list...please....<br>> <br>> Kind Regards,<br>> <br>> On 2/21/07, Jose' <ngunjirijnr@yahoo.com> wrote:<br>> ><br>> > Checkout,<br>> ><br>> > <a target="_blank" href="http://www.kimathiinformationcentre.com">www.kimathiinformationcentre.com</a><br>> ><br>> > some of the pages are still under construction<br>> like the forum,chat and<br>> > guest book pages.Oh! also the donation page :-)<br>> ><br>> > We reach out to the Easltands community with free<br>> ICT lessons<br>> > also we are a one stop E-centre.<br>> ><br>> > We are in the process of organizing a youth<br>> symposium that will focus on<br>> > preparing youth in creating
business<br>> proposals,business plans and how to<br>> > apply for loans and in particular the Youth loan.<br>> ><br>> > All keep y'all posted<br>> ><br>> > Best Regards,<br>> > Jose' Njuki-Imwe Ngunjiri || +254 722 336754 ||<br>> ><br>> > ----- Original Message ----<br>> > From: John Walubengo <jwalu@yahoo.com><br>> > To: ngunjirijnr@yahoo.com<br>> > Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 7:45:48 PM<br>> > Subject: Re: [kictanet] Sasanet not working?<br>> ><br>> > well, am not a subscriber to them - i got jittery<br>> when<br>> > their registration form had too many of what I<br>> thought were<br>> > personal questions without equivalent<br>> demonstration of how<br>> > they would secure my data...<br>> ><br>> > Nway, I just checked their website and it is up<br>> and<br>> > running...so what do you mean when you say they<br>> are
no<br>> > longer working?<br>> ><br>> > walu.<br>> ><br>> > --- Alex Gakuru <alex.gakuru@yahoo.com> wrote:<br>> ><br>> > > Wouldn't you be curious to find out a very<br>> popular free<br>> > > internet-based <a target="_blank" href="http://www.sasanet.co.ke">www.sasanet.co.ke</a> is now no<br>> longer<br>> > > working? I wonder why?<br>> > ><br>> > > /Alex<br>> > ><br>> > > Mike Theuri <mike.theuri@gmail.com> wrote: Alex,<br>> > ><br>> > > Thank you for sharing the blog on the<br>> anti-consumer<br>> > > setting in the country. The blog has very useful<br>> > > information that is not being shared with Kenyan<br>> > > consumers and it is key that consumer rights are<br>> upheld.<br>> > > Your blog out to be brought to more attention of<br>> key<br>> > > stakeholders in ICT and to
consumers alike.<br>> > ><br>> > > Yes, the Ministry and CCK are best placed to<br>> > > authoritatively comment on such an issue.<br>> However I<br>> > > believe that what AT&T is discontinuing is the<br>> ability to<br>> > > use a "call back" number from Kenya to the US.<br>> It is very<br>> > > likely that the call back numbers which are 0800<br>> numbers<br>> > > are no longer profitable for AT&T especially<br>> given that<br>> > > they cost as high as $3/min. Technically they<br>> are<br>> > > supposed to be cheaper to use than if one was to<br>> "call<br>> > > back" the US direct from any other country be it<br>> Kenya or<br>> > > the UK. However with AT&T's rate to call the US<br>> from<br>> > > Kenya as high as it is and with local providers<br>> beating<br>> > > their tariffs they may have opted to drop
this<br>> service.<br>> > > What this might do, is it might leave AT&T US<br>> based<br>> > > customers unable to call the US using their AT&T<br>> calling<br>> > > cards for what would otherwise be exorbitant<br>> prices.<br>> > ><br>> > > The wording of the AT&T notice on the lack of no<br>> future<br>> > > support for calls originating from Kenya wasn't<br>> very<br>> > > clear and after some digging around it appears<br>> that it<br>> > > referred to users of AT&T who utilize call back<br>> services<br>> > > while traveling overseas, it might just be due<br>> to stiff<br>> > > competition now that VOIP has been deregulated<br>> and<br>> > > tariffs have fallen (though not low enough) and<br>> that no<br>> > > one in their right mind would be willing to pay<br>> $3+ per<br>> > > minute for a call to the
US when for a extremely<br>> small<br>> > > fraction one could make the same phone call at a<br>> lower<br>> > > rate.<br>> > ><br>> > > Even then the tariffs in general are not fair<br>> enough for<br>> > > Kenyan consumers and it is an uphill battle to<br>> enforce<br>> > > changes when some of the largest tax payers<br>> happen to be<br>> > > communication providers. It is unthinkable that<br>> the<br>> > > government would do much to jeopardize a large<br>> and steady<br>> > > tax revenue stream to save the honorable<br>> consumer.<br>> > > Increasingly huge profits in a formerly<br>> depressed and now<br>> > > recovering economy like ours raise the question<br>> whether<br>> > > the consumer is getting a fair deal. It is akin<br>> to oil<br>> > > companies making several times over some nations<br>> GDP in<br>>
> > profits and claiming that they are struggling<br>> themselves<br>> > > and offering the best prices possible. Price<br>> regulation<br>> > > in the industry is something that should be<br>> looked into<br>> > > to further to try and strike a fair balance<br>> between<br>> > > consumers needs and investors return on equity.<br>> > ><br>> > > Mike<br>> > ><br>> > > On 2/18/07, Alex Gakuru <alex.gakuru@yahoo.com><br>> wrote:<br>> > > Mike:<br>> > ><br>> > > Although this is a consumer issue, you may<br>> notice we have<br>> > > quite some domestic wars with the prevailing<br>> > > anti-consumer setting, <br>> <a target="_blank" href="http://ictconsumer.blogspot.com/">http://ictconsumer.blogspot.com/</a><br>> > > for example.<br>> > ><br>> > > By engaging foreign networks, I am afraid the<br>>
ICT<br>> > > Consumers Association of Kenya could be<br>> considered acting<br>> > > ultra vires thus the Ministry of Information and<br>> > > Communications, CCK, and perhaps also Foreign<br>> Affairs are<br>> > > best suited to comment.<br>> > ><br>> > > Would a provocative question, like "why has a<br>> private US<br>> > > telco unilaterally cut-off communication from<br>> Kenya to<br>> > > the US jeopardizing both a basic human right and<br>> the<br>> > > national outsourcing strategy" earn a quick<br>> response from<br>> > > government?<br>> > ><br>> > > rgds,<br>> > ><br>> > > Alex<br>> > ><br>> > > Mike Theuri <mike.theuri@gmail.com> wrote: As<br>> an after<br>> > > thought, this may mean calls dialed through<br>> this number<br>> > > which by
itself is a very expensive option and<br>> which may<br>> > > reflect the effects of voip and lowered costs of<br>> > > international calls:<br>> <br>=== message truncated ===><br>_______________________________________________<br>> kictanet mailing list<br>> kictanet@kictanet.or.ke<br>> <a target="_blank" href="http://kictanet.or.ke/mailman/listinfo/kictanet">http://kictanet.or.ke/mailman/listinfo/kictanet</a><br>> <br>> Please unsubscribe or change your options at<br><a target="_blank" href="http://kictanet.or.ke/mailman/options/kictanet/rmunyiva%40yahoo.com">http://kictanet.or.ke/mailman/options/kictanet/rmunyiva%40yahoo.com</a><br><br><br><br> <br>____________________________________________________________________________________<br>Cheap talk?<br>Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.<br><a target="_blank"
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