[kictanet] [Need for Full time Secretariat]
Ali Hussein
ali at hussein.me.ke
Thu Jan 31 09:38:38 EAT 2019
Patrick and all
Let me add one or two things about the current structure of KICTANet and
why we feel it has worked well.
1. Because of the nature of crowd-sourcing and leaving it open sourced it
is difficult to control what listers think. So basically in certain cases
when we present reports and comments to say Parliamentary committees the
listers who volunteer to be part of the team work very hard to be inclusive
in their recommendations and ensure inclusiveness.
2. Governance is an interesting and evolving situation and I believe with
input from everyone here we can achieve alot.
3. ALL listers can and should play a part in the future direction of this
forum and I urge all of us to do so in the spirit of not just pointing out
shortcomings but offering solutions to.
@Patrick, thanks for raising such pertinent issues.
*Ali Hussein*
*AHK & Associates*
Tel: +254 713 601113
Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo
LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim
13th Floor , Delta Towers, Oracle Wing,
Chiromo Road, Westlands,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Any information of a personal nature expressed in this email are purely
mine and do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the
organizations that I work with.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 9:18 AM Patrick A. M. Maina via kictanet <
kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
> Many thanks GG for the detailed response; much appreciated!
> Hongera to the founders and volunteers for the great and admirable work
> they have done over the last decade+ under very challenging conditions.
> Will go through the info and try get fully up to speed with the KICTANet
> model. Hopefully other members will find the information useful as well.
> Thanks again and have a great evening.
> Patrick.
> On Wednesday, January 30, 2019, 11:13:42 PM GMT+3, Grace Githaiga <
> ggithaiga at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Patrick
> Greetings. As someone who joined the list recently, your seeking for more
> information is quite in order. Asante.
> Please find my responses inline:
> I couldn't find the information below on the website. Please can you
> advise where I can get it or if you have it, please can you share it?
> Ok.
> 1. How is KICTANET organized (i.e. functions, roles, people and
> governance)?
> KICTANet is a trust with a loose network of individuals and organisations
> whose common issue is ICT policy reforms. Its original founders
> motivations and evolvement can be found here: *KICTANet Institutional
> Assessment Draft Report October 2007*
> https://www.kictanet.or.ke/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/KICTANet_Institutional_Assessment_Draft_Report_October_2007-2-copy.pdf
> The current steering team are interested people who volunteer their time
> to run the Network. Listers also have and continue to contribute their
> ideas freely and have been credited for building a formidable ICT community
> which has catalysed ICTs. However, the governance question is still
> evolving and suggestions are open. But basically the Network is crowd
> sourced platform entirely dependent on listers and other stakeholders.
> This year, we hope to mobilise resources to hold a community forum where
> we can have this conversation among other topics. We had hoped that this
> would have happened last year but we were not successful.
> 2. What is the process by which KICTANET chooses what to work on and
> priorities?
> We are a crowdsourced platform and any member can suggest an
> idea/spearhead one. The Network relies on volunteers, and has ad hoc
> committees whose formation is announced here, and EOI sought right here.
> Examples include working groups on Internet shut downs, cybersecurity, tech
> and elections, multistakeholder advisory group (MAG) on internet governance
> etc. In addition, Listers populate ideas on the Network. So your active
> participation is very welcome and not just in ideas but also in research
> and writing of policy briefs, report writing and editing etc. We are
> consistently looking out for those who can contribute. Karibu Ndugu!
> KICTANet is a good platform that has grown talent with some now working for
> multinationals and blue chip companies. And they are right here on this list
> ๐
> On projects and Finances, any lister can suggest a project that s/he is
> interested in undertaking, and even take a lead (through sourcing for
> funding and in implementation). The only caveat is that it should fall
> under the Network's four pillars viz research, advocacy, engagement
> platform and capacity building (reflected on the front page of our
> website).
> Let me also state here that KICTANet has no single paid staff.
> 3. How is KICTANET funded?
> Through grants, contributions from partners, and direct support to
> events/activities by partners/supporters.
> 4. Who is funding this year's budget?
> We still do not have confirmations but are in discussion with some of our
> partners who are listed on our website (
> https://www.kictanet.or.ke/?page_id=28805) and new ones. Once we have a
> commitment, we usually announce on the list on the areas of
> support/activities. Incidentally, when you share something on this list, it
> is simultaneously posted on to our website. So, all the information is
> available.
> 5. Does KICTANET have a strategy and annual work plan?
> Yes. Again, all the info is on the website. We work under the four pillars
> mentioned earlier. Also, please see the front page at the bottom right on
> our website for more information.
> 6. As a multi-stakeholder organisation how does KICTANET maintain
> transparency and public interest (to avoid big money driven agendas that
> potentially harm/exploit Kenyan public e.g. economically or socially).
> To be honest, some of our greatest partners/supporters have been heavily
> criticised here despite putting in funds in the Network's activities!
> Heathy disagreements happen all the time but ni kazi tu and we still
> continue to engage and sometimes share a cup of coffee, in the spirit of
> multistakeholderism and in building this nation.
> All our reports are shared with listers and an acknowledgement of
> sponsorship made in case of any. The discussions are conducted here and
> views collated in instances where the Network has to make a submission on a
> policy matter. And oh, how we wish we could get the 'big money'! ๐
> Please read this report to understand more: *KICTANet 10 years of ICT
> policy discourse in Kenya 2007-2016*
> https://www.kictanet.or.ke/?wpdmpro=kictanet-10-years-report-2007-2016
> Additionally, UNESCO'S has also documented KICTANet's multistakeholder
> model here: *What if we all governed the Internet? Advancing
> multistakeholder participation in Internet governance (page 35).*
> https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000259717
> Again, alot of information is on our website, the KICTANet mailing list (
> https://lists.kictanet.or.ke/mailman/listinfo) and on KICTANet archives (
> https://lists.kictanet.or.ke/pipermail/kictanet/)
> Karibu KICTANet and really looking forward to your active engagement in
> ideas and activities, in any of the four pillars.
> Warmly
> GG
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Grace Githaiga*
> Twitter: @ggithaiga
> Skype: gracegithaiga
> Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gracegithaiga
> .*..**the most important office in a democracy is the citizen. So, you
> see, thatโs what our democracy demands. It needs you!----Barrack Obama.*
> ------------------------------
> *Fr*
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> The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform
> for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and
> regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT
> sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development.
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