[kictanet] AFRINIC Updates

Barrack Otieno otieno.barrack at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 14:01:51 EAT 2019


Might be of interest.


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Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019, 4:08 pm
Subject: Community-Discuss Digest, Vol 556, Issue 1
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Today's Topics:

   1. AFRINIC Board Updates (AFRINIC Communication)
   2. Re: AFRINIC Board Updates (Raymond Mamattah)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 10:15:43 +0400
From: AFRINIC Communication <comm-announce at afrinic.net>
To: community-discuss at afrinic.net
Subject: [Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Board Updates
Message-ID: <7CED7E7E-1899-45EC-9E50-C9407F6F6DF8 at afrinic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

AFRINIC Board of Directors


Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius, 16 December 2019

Dear colleagues,

The Board would like to share the following information with the AFRINIC
community at large.

Completion of CEO search process

After a rigorous recruitment process, the Board announced the appointment
of Mr. Eddy Kayihura on 25 October 2019 as the new CEO to replace Mr. Alan
Barrett who left the organisation in July 2019 after serving for almost
five years. Eddy, 43, joined the company on 4 November 2019. The new CEO
brings on board a wealth of experience acquired over a period of more than
20 years as a chief executive officer, chief information technology officer
(CIO), a network engineer, software developer among other positions in the
IT and Telecommunications industry. We request our members to offer Eddy
the necessary support, space and autonomy he needs to successfully lead the

1. Strategic Plan

The life of the current Strategic Plan 2016-2020 is coming to an end and
there is a need to develop the next one. AFRINIC has published an
assessment of the current Strategic Plan. We also launched consultations on
the Strategic Plan 2021-2025 during AFRINIC 31. The consultation phase will
be close on 30 April 2020. Please see the Strategic Plan 2016-2020
assessment, and time plan for the development of the Strategic Plan
2021-2025 at https://afrinic.net/strategy#2016-2020 <

2. Election guidelines

AFRINIC has been holding public consultations on the Election Guideline.
The deadline for comments was 13 December 2019. The Board will compile and
incorporate the feedback in the final version of the Election Guideline.

3. Filling of casual vacancy for Eastern Africa (Seat 6)

The seat on the Board for Eastern Africa has been vacant since October. The
Board has decided to fill the seat according to the process followed in the
past. Those interested in contesting the seat should fill the form found at

4. External Auditor for Financial Year 2019

AFRINIC has a statutory requirement to appoint an External Auditor. The
External Auditor appointed for FY 2019 informed AFRINIC that it will be
unavailable to conduct the exercise. On 28 October 2019, the Board received
a resignation letter from PwC. In the letter, PwC stated that their
resignation was based on their risk assessment without going into detail.
On 5 November 2019, on behalf of the Board, the CEO wrote to PwC requesting
further explanation. After waiting for over a month for feedback from PwC,
the Board has decided to share the letter (accessible to members only).
Further, AFRINIC has identified a new External Auditor to fill the casual
vacancy as per section 15.3 (v) of the AFRINIC Constitution. The name of
the Auditor will be announced once contract negotiations are finalised.

5. Update on IP investigation

As mentioned in our previous announcement on the matter, AFRINIC has been
addressing the issue of suspicious activities in the WHOIS database which
affected some resources.

Further to the Board?s communication during the Community Engagement
exercise at the AFRINIC 31 meeting, we hereby re-affirm that the Board
initiated investigations as soon as it learnt of the matter. The issue was
first brought to the attention of the Board after the resignation of the
former CEO who informed the Board that there might have been some
unauthorised changes in the AFRINIC WHOIS database and that internal
investigations were on-going. The Board, in conjunction with the management
led by the Interim CEO, decided to seek assistance from one of the RIRs. In
order to ensure an independent assessment and internal investigation, APNIC
was selected to lead the investigations. APNIC submitted a report which
confirms some of the allegations. The matter was reported to the Central
Criminal Investigation Division of the Mauritius Police Force on Tuesday,
10 December 2019 for further investigation and action. Unfortunately, we
cannot, at this stage, add anything more on the matter
 so as not to cause prejudice to the on-going police investigation.

In the meantime, the CEO is tasked with instituting internal measures to
limit access, and avoid manipulation of objects in WHOIS database and to
suspend or revoke implicated and/or suspected parties who have access to
infrastructure, services and other resources. The Board is considering what
additional resources would be needed during the course of the investigation
and action.

6. Board community engagement session

The Board held its second Community Engagement exercise during the AFRINIC
31 meeting during which participants raised several issues. The Board also
introduced the new CEO to the community. It also fielded several questions
from both those on site and those attending the meeting remotely.

7. Budget 2020

The Board approved the budget for FY 2020.

The 2020 Operations budget take cognisance of the following factors:

? 2020 is the last year of the current cycle of the Strategic Plan

? AFRINIC is hitting Soft Landing Phase 2.

As a result of the above, a very conservative approach was adopted in
deriving the numbers and operational activities focused on objectives which
appeared on the Strategic Plan but were yet to be achieved

2020 Fee Revenue target assumes that new membership shall continue to grow
at a slower pace during the second phase of the Soft Landing.

The budgeted operating costs for 2020 reflects the continuing execution of
the Strategic Plan while maintaining high standards of service level.

Human Resources budget includes reinforcing the structure to cater for
increased expectations. A new area of focus was added to recognise the need
for increased stakeholder engagement. In addition, special attention is
being paid to strengthening the organisation?s infrastructure.

8. Ad-Hoc Reform Committee

The Board has formed an Ad-Hoc Reform Committee following community
consultations that started in Kampala during the Africa Internet Summit in
June 2019. The committee will assess the challenges facing AFRINIC and make
a recommendation to the Board. The Committee is composed of:

-  Past AFRINIC CEOs (Mr. Adiel Akplogan and Mr. Alan Barrett)

-  Past AFRINIC Chair (Dr. Viv Padayatchy)

-  Governance Committee representative (Dr. Alioune Traore)

-  RIR representative (Mr. Paul Wilson, CEO APNIC)

-  Board representative (Prof. Habib Youssef)

9. Fee Review

The Board concluded AFRINIC fee review discussions and decided that there
will be no change in the current fee categories. However, with the Soft
Landing phase 2 approaching, the Board has introduced two new fee
categories in order to make the Soft Landing phase 2 policy requirements
fully implementable.


Dr. Christian D. Bope

Chairman, AFRINIC Board of Directors


Conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC


Cybercity, Ebene, Maurice, 16 d?cembre 2019

Chers coll?gues,

Le Conseil souhaite partager les informations suivantes avec l?ensemble de
la communaut? AFRINIC.

Processus de recherche du DG compl?t?

Apr?s un processus de recrutement rigoureux, le Conseil a annonc? la
nomination de M. Eddy Kayihura le 25 octobre 2019 en tant que nouveau DG
pour remplacer M. Alan Barrett qui a quitt? l'organisation en juillet 2019
apr?s avoir servi pendant pr?s de cinq ans. Eddy, 43 ans, a rejoint
l'entreprise le 4 novembre 2019. Le nouveau DG apporte une riche
d'exp?rience acquise sur une p?riode de plus de 20 ans en tant que DG,
Chief Information Technology Officer (CIO), ing?nieur r?seau,  d?veloppeur
de logiciel parmi d'autres postes dans l'industrie informatique et des
t?l?communications. Nous demandons ? nos membres d'offrir ? Eddy le
soutien, l'espace et l'autonomie n?cessaires pour diriger avec succ?s

1. Plan strat?gique

Le cycle de l'actuel Plan strat?gique 2016-2020 tire ? sa fin et il est
n?cessaire de d?velopper le prochain. AFRINIC a publi? une ?valuation du
plan strat?gique actuel. Nous avons ?galement lanc? des consultations sur
le Plan strat?gique 2021-2025 pendant AFRINIC 31. La phase de consultation
se terminera le 30 avril 2020. Veuillez consulter l'?valuation du Plan
strat?gique 2016-2020 et le calendrier pour l'?laboration du Plan
strat?gique 2021-2025 ? l'adresse https://afrinic.net/strategy#2016-2020 <

2. Lignes directrices pour les ?lections

AFRINIC a tenu des consultations publiques pour une ?valuation de son
prcessus ?lectoral. La date limite pour les commentaires ?tait le 13
d?cembre 2019. Le Conseil d'administration compilera et incorporera les
commentaires dans la version finale du document.

3. Emploi vacant occasionnel pour l'Afrique de l'Est (si?ge 6)

Le si?ge au Conseil d'administration pour l'Afrique de l'Est est vacant
depuis octobre. Le Conseil a d?cid? de pourvoir le si?ge selon le processus
suivi dans le pass?. Les personnes int?ress?es ? contester le si?ge doivent
remplir le formulaire disponible sur

4. Commissaire aux comptes pour l'exercice 2019

AFRINIC a une obligation l?gale de nommer un Commissaire aux comptes.
L'auditeur externe nomm? pour l'exercice 2019 a inform? AFRINIC qu'il ne
serait pas disponible ? mener l'exercice. Le 28 octobre 2019, le Conseil a
re?u une lettre de d?mission de PwC. Dans la lettre, PwC a d?clar? que sa
d?mission ?tait fond?e sur son ?valuation des risques sans entrer dans les
d?tails. Le 5 novembre 2019, au nom du conseil d'administration, le DG a
?crit ? PwC pour lui demander des explications suppl?mentaires. Apr?s  plus
d'un mois d?attente, apr?s avoir re?u les explications de PwC, le Conseil a
aussit?t pris la d?cision de partager la lettre  uniquement aux membres).
En outre, AFRINIC a identifi? un nouvel auditeur externe pour combler une
vacance occasionnelle conform?ment ? la section 15.3 (v) de la Constitution
d?AFRINIC. L'auditeur sera annonc? une fois les n?gociations contractuelles

5. Mise ? jour de l'enqu?te sur les adresses IP

Comme mentionn? dans notre pr?c?dente annonce ? ce sujet, AFRINIC a abord?
la question des activit?s suspectes dans la base de donn?es WHOIS qui ont
affect? certaines ressources.

Suivant la communication du Conseil au cours de la s?ance d'engagement
communautaire lors de la r?union d'AFRINIC 31, nous r?affirmons par la
pr?sente que le Conseil a ouvert une enqu?te d?s qu'il a eu connaissance de
l'affaire. La question a ?t? port?e pour la premi?re fois ? l'attention du
Conseil d'administration apr?s la d?mission de l'ancien DG qui a inform? le
Conseil d'administration du fait qu'il pourrait y avoir eu des changements
non autoris?s dans la base de donn?es WHOIS AFRINIC et que des enqu?tes
internes ?taient en cours. Le conseil, en collaboration avec la direction,
sous la tutelle du DG par int?rim, a pris la d?cision de demander l'aide
d'un des RIR. Pour assurer une ?valuation ind?pendante ? travers une
enqu?te interne, l'APNIC a ?t? s?lectionn?e pour mener les enqu?tes.
L'APNIC a soumis un rapport qui confirme certaines des all?gations.
L'affaire a ?t? signal?e ? la Division centrale des enqu?tes criminelles
des forces de police de Maurice le mardi 10 d?cembre 20
 19 pour le compl?ment d'enqu?te et la suite ? donner. Malheureusement,
nous ne pouvons, ? ce stade, rien ajouter de plus ? ce sujet afin de ne pas
porter pr?judice ? l'enqu?te polici?re en cours.

Dans l?intervalle, le DG est charg? d'instaurer des mesures internes pour
limiter l'acc?s et ?viter la manipulation d'objets dans la base de donn?es
WHOIS et pour suspendre ou r?voquer les parties impliqu?es et / ou
suspectes qui ont acc?s ? l'infrastructure, aux services et ? d'autres
ressources. Le Conseil examine actuellement les ressources suppl?mentaires
et les actions qui seraient n?cessaires ? la contribution de l?enqu?te.

6. S?ance d'engagement communautaire du conseil

Le Conseil a tenu sa deuxi?me s?ance d'engagement communautaire lors de la
r?union AFRINIC 31 au cours de laquelle les participants ont soulev?
plusieurs questions. Le conseil a ?galement pr?sent? le nouveau DG ? la
communaut?. Il a ?galement r?pondu ? plusieurs questions des personnes
pr?sentes sur place et des participants ? distance ? la r?union.

7. Budget 2020

Le Conseil a approuv? le budget pour l'exercice 2020.
Le budget des op?rations 2020 tient compte des facteurs suivants:
? 2020 est la derni?re ann?e du cycle actuel du Plan strat?gique 2016-2020.
? AFRINIC atteindra la phase 2 du soft landing.

De ce fait, une approche tr?s conservatrice a ?t? adopt?e afin de soutenir
les activit?s et chiffres op?rationnelles ax?s sur les objectifs qui
figuraient dans le Plan strat?gique mais qui n'?taient pas encore atteints.

Nous pr?voyons pour l?ann?e 2020 une r?duction de nos revenus provenant des
cotisations des nouveaux membres durant la deuxi?me phase du soft landing.

Les co?ts op?rationels budg?tis? pour 2020 refl?tent la poursuite de
l'ex?cution du plan strat?gique en accord avec le maintien de nos standards
de service ?lev?s.

Le budget des ressources humaines comprend le renforcement de la structure
organisationnelle afin de r?pondre aux attentes accrues. Un nouveau aspect
organisationel a ?t? ajout? pour reconna?tre la n?cessit? d'un engagement
plus soutenu des parties prenantes. En outre, une attention particuli?re
est aussi accord?e au renforcement de l?infrastructure de l?organisation.

8. Comit? de r?forme ad hoc

Le Conseil a form? un comit? de r?forme ad hoc ? la suite des consultations
avec la communaut? qui ont commenc? ? Kampala lors de l?AIS?19 en juin
2019. Le comit? ?valuera les d?fis auxquels est confront? AFRINIC et fera
une recommandation au Conseil. Le Comit? est compos?:
- d'anciens DG d'AFRINIC (M. Adiel Akplogan et M. Alan Barrett)
- d?un ancien pr?sident AFRINIC (Dr Viv Padayatchy)
- d?un repr?sentant du comit? de gouvernance (Dr. Alioune Traor?)
- d?un repr?sentant RIR (M. Paul Wilson, PDG APNIC)
- d?un repr?sentant du Conseil (Prof. Habib Youssef)

9. R?vision des tarifs

Le Conseil a conclu les discussions sur la r?vision des tarifs AFRINIC et a
d?cid? qu'il n'y aura aucun changement dans les cat?gories de tarifs
actuelles. Cependant, ? l'approche de la phase 2 du soft landing, le
Conseil a introduit deux nouvelles cat?gories de cotisations afin de rendre
les exigences de la politique soft landing pleinement applicables.


Dr Christian D. Bope
Pr?sident du conseil d'administration d?AFRINIC


???? ????

Cybercity ? Ebene ? ???????? ? 16 ?????? 2019

?????? ????????

??? ???? ??????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?? ????? AFRINIC ???? ???.

???????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ????????

??? ????? ????? ????? ? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ???????? ?? 25
?????? 2019 ????? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???????
?? ????? 2019 ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ????? ???????. ???? ??? ? 43 ????? ? ???
?????? ?? 4 ?????? 2019. ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ?? ??????
???????? ??? ???? ???? ?? 20 ????? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????
????????? (CIO) ? ????? ????? ? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????
????????? ????????? ??????????. ???? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? Eddy ?????
?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????.

1. ????? ????????????

????? ??? ????? ???????????? ??????? 2016-2020 ?? ??????? ????? ???? ???
????? ????? ???????. ???? AFRINIC ???? ????? ????? ???????????? ???????.
??? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ???????????? 2021-2025 ???? AFRINIC 31. ??????
????? ??????? ?? 30 ????? 2020. ???? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ????????????
2016-2020 ? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???????????? 2021-2025 ??
https://afrinic.net/strategy#2016-2020 <

2. ??????? ????????? ??????????

???? AFRINIC ??????? ???? ??? ??????? ????????? ??????????. ??? ??????
??????? ????????? ?? 13 ?????? 2019. ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????
????????? ?? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????????.

3. ??? ???? ???? ???? ??????? (?????? 6)

?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????. ??? ???? ??????? ???
?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??????. ??? ???????? ?? ??? ?????? ???
????????? ???????? ??? ??????

4. ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? 2019

??? AFRINIC ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????. ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??
????? ??????? 2019 AFRINIC ??? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???????. ?? 28 ??????
2019 ? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ???? PwC. ?? ??????? ? ???? ????
????? ???????? ????? ?? ????????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ??
????????. ?? 5 ?????? 2019 ? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ? ??? ?????? ????????
????? PwC ???? ?????? ?? ???????. ??? ???????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?????????
?? PwC ? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? (???? ??????? ?????? ????? ???).
????? ??? ??? ? ???? AFRINIC ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???????
????? ?????? 15.3 (5) ?? ????? AFRINIC. ???? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????
???????? ?? ??????? ??????.

5. ????? ??? ??????? IP

??? ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????? ? ????? AFRINIC ????? ???????
???????? ?? ????? ?????? WHOIS ????? ???? ??? ??? ???????.

???????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ?? ?????? AFRINIC
31 ? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ????????? ????? ???? ???? ?????. ?? ???
??????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ????
?????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? WHOIS
AFRINIC ??? ????????? ???????? ???? ?????. ??? ???? ??????? ? ????????? ??
??????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ?????
???????? ?????????. ?? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ? ?? ??????
APNIC ?????? ?????????. ???? APNIC ?????? ???? ??? ?????????. ??????? ???
??????? ??? ???? ????????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ???????? ???
???????? ? 10 ????? ????? / ?????? 2019 ????? ?? ????????? ??????????. ????
???? ? ?? ?????? ? ?? ??? ??????? ? ????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ??
????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????.

?? ???? ??? ? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ?
????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? WHOIS ?????? ?? ????? ???????
???????? ? / ?? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???????
???????? ???????? ??????. ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ?????
??????? ??????????.

6. ???? ?????? ???? ???????

??? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ???? ?????? AFRINIC 31
???? ???? ????????? ????? ?????? ?? ???????. ??? ???? ??????? ????? ??????
???????? ?????? ??? ???????. ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??????
???? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ???.

7. ??????? 2020

???? ???? ??????? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? 2020.

???? ??????? ?????? ??? 2020 ?? ???????? ??????? ???????:

? 2020 ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ???????????? 2016-2020.

? AFRINIC ??? ??? Soft Landing Phase 2.

????? ??? ??? ? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????????
????????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???????????? ???? ??
????? ???

2020 ????? ??? ???? ????????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ????
???? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????.

???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????????? ???? 2020 ??????? ????? ?????
???????????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ??????.

????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????????. ???
????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ???????.
???????? ??? ??? ? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????.

8. ???? ??????? ???????

??? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ??
?????? ???? ??? ???????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? 2019. ????? ?????? ??????
???????? ???? ????? AFRINIC ?????? ????? ??? ??????. ????? ?????? ??:

- ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? (????? ???? ???????? ?????? ????

- ???? AFRINIC ?????? (?. ??? ?????????)

- ???? ???? ??????? (?. ????? ??????)

- ???? RIR (????? ??? ?????? ? ?????? ???????? ????? APNIC)

- ???? ???? ??????? (?. ???? ????)

9. ?????? ??????

????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? AFRINIC ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?????
?? ???? ?????? ???????. ??? ??? ? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? Soft Softing
? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ????? Soft
Landing 2 ????? ??????? ???????.


??????? ???????? ?

???? ???? ????? ??????



Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius, 16 de dezembro de 2019

Queridos colegas,

A Diretoria gostaria de compartilhar as seguintes informa??es com a
comunidade AFRINIC em geral.

Conclus?o do processo de busca do CEO

Ap?s um processo rigoroso de recrutamento, o Conselho anunciou a nomea??o
do Sr. Eddy Kayihura em 25 de outubro de 2019 como o novo CEO para
substituir o Sr. Alan Barrett, que deixou a organiza??o em julho de 2019,
depois de servir por quase cinco anos. Eddy, 43 anos, ingressou na empresa
em 4 de novembro de 2019. O novo CEO traz uma vasta experi?ncia adquirida
ao longo de um per?odo de mais de 20 anos como CEO, CIO, engenheiro de rede
e software. desenvolvedor entre outras posi??es no setor de TI e
telecomunica??es. Solicitamos que nossos membros ofere?am a Eddy o suporte,
o espa?o e a autonomia necess?rios para liderar a organiza??o com sucesso.

1. Plano Estrat?gico

A vida do atual Plano Estrat?gico 2016-2020 est? chegando ao fim e ?
necess?rio desenvolver o pr?ximo. A AFRINIC publicou uma avalia??o do atual
Plano Estrat?gico. Tamb?m lan?amos consultas sobre o Plano Estrat?gico
2021-2025 durante o AFRINIC 31. A fase de consulta ser? encerrada em 30 de
abril de 2020. Consulte a avalia??o do Plano Estrat?gico 2016-2020 e o
cronograma para o desenvolvimento do Plano Estrat?gico 2021-2025 em
https://afrinic.net/strategy#2016-2020 <

2. Diretrizes eleitorais

A AFRINIC vem realizando consultas p?blicas sobre as Diretrizes Eleitorais.
O prazo final para coment?rios foi 13 de dezembro de 2019. O Conselho ir?
compilar e incorporar o feedback na vers?o final das Diretrizes Eleitorais.

3. Preenchimento de vagas ocasionais na ?frica Oriental (sede 6)

A vaga no Conselho para a ?frica Oriental est? vaga desde outubro. O
Conselho decidiu preencher a vaga de acordo com o processo seguido no
passado. Os interessados ??em contestar a vaga devem preencher o formul?rio
encontrado em

4. Auditor Externo para o Exerc?cio de 2019

A AFRINIC tem um requisito estatut?rio para nomear um Auditor Externo. O
Auditor Externo designado para o EF de 2019 informou a AFRINIC de que n?o
estar? dispon?vel para realizar o exerc?cio. Em 28 de outubro de 2019, o
Conselho recebeu uma carta de demiss?o da PwC. Na carta, a PwC declarou que
sua demiss?o se baseava na avalia??o de risco sem entrar em detalhes. Em 5
de novembro de 2019, em nome do Conselho, o CEO escreveu ? PwC solicitando
mais explica??es. Depois de esperar mais de um m?s para receber coment?rios
da PwC, o Conselho decidiu compartilhar a carta (acess?vel apenas aos
membros). Al?m disso, a AFRINIC identificou um novo Auditor Externo para
preencher a vaga ocasional conforme a se??o 15.3 (v) da Constitui??o da
AFRINIC. O nome do Auditor ser? anunciado assim que as negocia??es do
contrato forem finalizadas.

5. Atualiza??o na investiga??o de IP

Como mencionado no nosso an?ncio anterior sobre o assunto, o AFRINIC tem
abordado a quest?o de atividades suspeitas no banco de dados WHOIS que
afetaram alguns recursos.

Al?m da comunica??o da Diretoria durante o exerc?cio de Engajamento da
Comunidade na reuni?o da AFRINIC 31, reafirmamos que a Diretoria iniciou
investiga??es assim que soube do assunto. A quest?o foi trazida ? aten??o
do Conselho pela primeira vez ap?s a ren?ncia do ex-CEO que informou o
Conselho que poderia haver algumas altera??es n?o autorizadas no banco de
dados WHOIS do AFRINIC e que as investiga??es internas estavam em
andamento. O Conselho, em conjunto com a ger?ncia liderada pelo CEO
Interino, decidiu procurar assist?ncia de um dos RIRs. Para garantir uma
avalia??o independente e uma investiga??o interna, a APNIC foi selecionada
para liderar as investiga??es. A APNIC apresentou um relat?rio que confirma
algumas das alega??es. O assunto foi relatado ? Divis?o Central de
Investiga??o Criminal da For?a Policial de Maur?cio na ter?a-feira, 10 de
dezembro de 2019, para investiga??o e a??o adicionais. Infelizmente, n?o
podemos, nesta fase, acrescentar mais nada sobre o assunto para
  n?o prejudicar a investiga??o policial em andamento.

Enquanto isso, o CEO tem a tarefa de instituir medidas internas para
limitar o acesso e evitar a manipula??o de objetos no banco de dados WHOIS
e suspender ou revogar partes implicadas e / ou suspeitas que tenham acesso
? infraestrutura, servi?os e outros recursos. A Diretoria est? considerando
quais recursos adicionais seriam necess?rios durante o curso da
investiga??o e a??o.

6. Sess?o de envolvimento da comunidade da diretoria

A Diretoria realizou seu segundo exerc?cio de Engajamento da Comunidade
durante a reuni?o do AFRINIC 31, durante a qual os participantes levantaram
v?rias quest?es. O Conselho tamb?m apresentou o novo CEO ? comunidade.
Tamb?m apresentou v?rias perguntas, tanto no local quanto nos participantes
remotamente da reuni?o.

7. Or?amento 2020

O Conselho aprovou o or?amento para o ano fiscal de 2020.

O or?amento de opera??es para 2020 toma conhecimento dos seguintes fatores:

? 2020 ? o ?ltimo ano do ciclo atual do Plano Estrat?gico 2016-2020.

? O AFRINIC est? chegando ? Fase 2 de Soft Landing.

Como resultado do exposto, adotou-se uma abordagem muito conservadora para
derivar os n?meros e as atividades operacionais focadas nos objetivos que
apareceram no Plano Estrat?gico, mas que ainda estavam para serem alcan?ados

A meta de receita de taxas para 2020 pressup?e que as novas ades?es
continuar?o a crescer em um ritmo mais lento durante a segunda fase do Soft

Os custos operacionais or?ados para 2020 refletem a execu??o cont?nua do
Plano Estrat?gico, mantendo altos padr?es de n?vel de servi?o.

O or?amento de Recursos Humanos inclui o refor?o da estrutura para atender
ao aumento das expectativas. Uma nova ?rea de foco foi adicionada para
reconhecer a necessidade de um maior envolvimento das partes interessadas.
Al?m disso, aten??o especial est? sendo dada ao fortalecimento da
infraestrutura da organiza??o.

8. Comit? de Reforma Ad-Hoc

A Diretoria formou um Comit? de Reforma Ad-Hoc ap?s consultas da comunidade
iniciadas em Kampala durante a C?pula da Internet na ?frica em junho de
2019. A comiss?o avaliar? os desafios enfrentados pela AFRINIC e far? uma
recomenda??o ? Diretoria. O Comit? ? composto por:

- Ex-CEOs da AFRINIC (Sr. Adiel Akplogan e Sr. Alan Barrett)

- Ex-presidente da AFRINIC (Dr. Viv Padayatchy)

- Representante do Comit? de Governan?a (Dr. Alioune Traore)

- representante do RIR (Sr. Paul Wilson, CEO APNIC)

- Representante do Conselho (Prof. Habib Youssef)

9. Revis?o de Taxas

O Conselho concluiu as discuss?es de revis?o de taxas da AFRINIC e decidiu
que n?o haver? altera??es nas categorias de tarifas atuais. No entanto, com
a fase 2 do Soft Landing se aproximando, a Diretoria introduziu duas novas
categorias de taxas para tornar os requisitos da pol?tica do fase 2 do Soft
Landing totalmente implement?veis.


Dr. Christian D. Bope

Presidente do Conselho de Administra??o da AFRINIC

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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 06:52:58 +0000
From: Raymond Mamattah <mamattah.raymond at gmail.com>
To: AFRINIC Communication <comm-announce at afrinic.net>
Cc: community-discuss at afrinic.net
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Board Updates
        <CAEGCQGuNTxVPf6Cw7Dev6ZjVxpF4V+T+dpX3rKyhU=K7XFFekg at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Wishing Eddy a success in his new role!

On Tue, 17 Dec 2019 at 06:16, AFRINIC Communication <
comm-announce at afrinic.net> wrote:

> AFRINIC Board of Directors
> Communique
> Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius, 16 December 2019
> Dear colleagues,
> The Board would like to share the following information with the AFRINIC
> community at large.
> Completion of CEO search process
> After a rigorous recruitment process, the Board announced the appointment
> of Mr. Eddy Kayihura on 25 October 2019 as the new CEO to replace Mr. Alan
> Barrett who left the organisation in July 2019 after serving for almost
> five years. Eddy, 43, joined the company on 4 November 2019. The new CEO
> brings on board a wealth of experience acquired over a period of more than
> 20 years as a chief executive officer, chief information technology
> (CIO), a network engineer, software developer among other positions in the
> IT and Telecommunications industry. We request our members to offer Eddy
> the necessary support, space and autonomy he needs to successfully lead
> organisation.
> 1. Strategic Plan
> The life of the current Strategic Plan 2016-2020 is coming to an end and
> there is a need to develop the next one. AFRINIC has published an
> assessment of the current Strategic Plan. We also launched consultations
> the Strategic Plan 2021-2025 during AFRINIC 31. The consultation phase
> be close on 30 April 2020. Please see the Strategic Plan 2016-2020
> assessment, and time plan for the development of the Strategic Plan
> 2021-2025 at https://afrinic.net/strategy#2016-2020.
> 2. Election guidelines
> AFRINIC has been holding public consultations on the Election Guideline.
> The deadline for comments was 13 December 2019. The Board will compile and
> incorporate the feedback in the final version of the Election Guideline.
> 3. Filling of casual vacancy for Eastern Africa (Seat 6)
> The seat on the Board for Eastern Africa has been vacant since October.
> The Board has decided to fill the seat according to the process followed
> the past. Those interested in contesting the seat should fill the form
> found at
> .
> 4. External Auditor for Financial Year 2019
> AFRINIC has a statutory requirement to appoint an External Auditor. The
> External Auditor appointed for FY 2019 informed AFRINIC that it will be
> unavailable to conduct the exercise. On 28 October 2019, the Board
> a resignation letter from PwC. In the letter, PwC stated that their
> resignation was based on their risk assessment without going into detail.
> On 5 November 2019, on behalf of the Board, the CEO wrote to PwC
> further explanation. After waiting for over a month for feedback from PwC,
> the Board has decided to share the letter (accessible to members only).
> Further, AFRINIC has identified a new External Auditor to fill the casual
> vacancy as per section 15.3 (v) of the AFRINIC Constitution. The name of
> the Auditor will be announced once contract negotiations are finalised.
> 5. Update on IP investigation
> As mentioned in our previous announcement on the matter, AFRINIC has been
> addressing the issue of suspicious activities in the WHOIS database which
> affected some resources.
> Further to the Board?s communication during the Community Engagement
> exercise at the AFRINIC 31 meeting, we hereby re-affirm that the Board
> initiated investigations as soon as it learnt of the matter. The issue was
> first brought to the attention of the Board after the resignation of the
> former CEO who informed the Board that there might have been some
> unauthorised changes in the AFRINIC WHOIS database and that internal
> investigations were on-going. The Board, in conjunction with the
> led by the Interim CEO, decided to seek assistance from one of the RIRs.
> order to ensure an independent assessment and internal investigation,
> was selected to lead the investigations. APNIC submitted a report which
> confirms some of the allegations. The matter was reported to the Central
> Criminal Investigation Division of the Mauritius Police Force on Tuesday,
> 10 December 2019 for further investigation and action. Unfortunately, we
> cannot, at this stage, add anything more on the matter so as not to cause
> prejudice to the on-going police investigation.
> In the meantime, the CEO is tasked with instituting internal measures to
> limit access, and avoid manipulation of objects in WHOIS database and to
> suspend or revoke implicated and/or suspected parties who have access to
> infrastructure, services and other resources. The Board is considering
> additional resources would be needed during the course of the
> and action.
> 6. Board community engagement session
> The Board held its second Community Engagement exercise during the AFRINIC
> 31 meeting during which participants raised several issues. The Board also
> introduced the new CEO to the community. It also fielded several questions
> from both those on site and those attending the meeting remotely.
> 7. Budget 2020
> The Board approved the budget for FY 2020.
> The 2020 Operations budget take cognisance of the following factors:
> ? 2020 is the last year of the current cycle of the Strategic Plan
> 2016-2020.
> ? AFRINIC is hitting Soft Landing Phase 2.
> As a result of the above, a very conservative approach was adopted in
> deriving the numbers and operational activities focused on objectives
> appeared on the Strategic Plan but were yet to be achieved
> 2020 Fee Revenue target assumes that new membership shall continue to grow
> at a slower pace during the second phase of the Soft Landing.
> The budgeted operating costs for 2020 reflects the continuing execution of
> the Strategic Plan while maintaining high standards of service level.
> Human Resources budget includes reinforcing the structure to cater for
> increased expectations. A new area of focus was added to recognise the
> for increased stakeholder engagement. In addition, special attention is
> being paid to strengthening the organisation?s infrastructure.
> 8. Ad-Hoc Reform Committee
> The Board has formed an Ad-Hoc Reform Committee following community
> consultations that started in Kampala during the Africa Internet Summit in
> June 2019. The committee will assess the challenges facing AFRINIC and
> a recommendation to the Board. The Committee is composed of:
> -  Past AFRINIC CEOs (Mr. Adiel Akplogan and Mr. Alan Barrett)
> -  Past AFRINIC Chair (Dr. Viv Padayatchy)
> -  Governance Committee representative (Dr. Alioune Traore)
> -  RIR representative (Mr. Paul Wilson, CEO APNIC)
> -  Board representative (Prof. Habib Youssef)
> 9. Fee Review
> The Board concluded AFRINIC fee review discussions and decided that there
> will be no change in the current fee categories. However, with the Soft
> Landing phase 2 approaching, the Board has introduced two new fee
> categories in order to make the Soft Landing phase 2 policy requirements
> fully implementable.
> Signed
> Dr. Christian D. Bope
> Chairman, AFRINIC Board of Directors
> ???????????????????????????????????...
> Conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC
> Communiqu?
> Cybercity, Ebene, Maurice, 16 d?cembre 2019
> Chers coll?gues,
> Le Conseil souhaite partager les informations suivantes avec l?ensemble de
> la communaut? AFRINIC.
> Processus de recherche du DG compl?t?
> Apr?s un processus de recrutement rigoureux, le Conseil a annonc? la
> nomination de M. Eddy Kayihura le 25 octobre 2019 en tant que nouveau DG
> pour remplacer M. Alan Barrett qui a quitt? l'organisation en juillet 2019
> apr?s avoir servi pendant pr?s de cinq ans. Eddy, 43 ans, a rejoint
> l'entreprise le 4 novembre 2019. Le nouveau DG apporte une riche
> d'exp?rience acquise sur une p?riode de plus de 20 ans en tant que DG,
> Chief Information Technology Officer (CIO), ing?nieur r?seau,  d?veloppeur
> de logiciel parmi d'autres postes dans l'industrie informatique et des
> t?l?communications. Nous demandons ? nos membres d'offrir ? Eddy le
> soutien, l'espace et l'autonomie n?cessaires pour diriger avec succ?s
> l'organisation.
> 1. Plan strat?gique
> Le cycle de l'actuel Plan strat?gique 2016-2020 tire ? sa fin et il est
> n?cessaire de d?velopper le prochain. AFRINIC a publi? une ?valuation du
> plan strat?gique actuel. Nous avons ?galement lanc? des consultations sur
> le Plan strat?gique 2021-2025 pendant AFRINIC 31. La phase de consultation
> se terminera le 30 avril 2020. Veuillez consulter l'?valuation du Plan
> strat?gique 2016-2020 et le calendrier pour l'?laboration du Plan
> strat?gique 2021-2025 ? l'adresse https://afrinic.net/strategy#2016-2020.
> 2. Lignes directrices pour les ?lections
> AFRINIC a tenu des consultations publiques pour une ?valuation de son
> prcessus ?lectoral. La date limite pour les commentaires ?tait le 13
> d?cembre 2019. Le Conseil d'administration compilera et incorporera les
> commentaires dans la version finale du document.
> 3. Emploi vacant occasionnel pour l'Afrique de l'Est (si?ge 6)
> Le si?ge au Conseil d'administration pour l'Afrique de l'Est est vacant
> depuis octobre. Le Conseil a d?cid? de pourvoir le si?ge selon le
> suivi dans le pass?. Les personnes int?ress?es ? contester le si?ge
> remplir le formulaire disponible sur
> .
> 4. Commissaire aux comptes pour l'exercice 2019
> AFRINIC a une obligation l?gale de nommer un Commissaire aux comptes.
> L'auditeur externe nomm? pour l'exercice 2019 a inform? AFRINIC qu'il ne
> serait pas disponible ? mener l'exercice. Le 28 octobre 2019, le Conseil a
> re?u une lettre de d?mission de PwC. Dans la lettre, PwC a d?clar? que sa
> d?mission ?tait fond?e sur son ?valuation des risques sans entrer dans les
> d?tails. Le 5 novembre 2019, au nom du conseil d'administration, le DG a
> ?crit ? PwC pour lui demander des explications suppl?mentaires. Apr?s
> d'un mois d?attente, apr?s avoir re?u les explications de PwC, le Conseil
> aussit?t pris la d?cision de partager la lettre  uniquement aux membres).
> En outre, AFRINIC a identifi? un nouvel auditeur externe pour combler une
> vacance occasionnelle conform?ment ? la section 15.3 (v) de la
> d?AFRINIC. L'auditeur sera annonc? une fois les n?gociations
> finalis?es.
> 5. Mise ? jour de l'enqu?te sur les adresses IP
> Comme mentionn? dans notre pr?c?dente annonce ? ce sujet, AFRINIC a abord?
> la question des activit?s suspectes dans la base de donn?es WHOIS qui ont
> affect? certaines ressources.
> Suivant la communication du Conseil au cours de la s?ance d'engagement
> communautaire lors de la r?union d'AFRINIC 31, nous r?affirmons par la
> pr?sente que le Conseil a ouvert une enqu?te d?s qu'il a eu connaissance
> l'affaire. La question a ?t? port?e pour la premi?re fois ? l'attention du
> Conseil d'administration apr?s la d?mission de l'ancien DG qui a inform?
> Conseil d'administration du fait qu'il pourrait y avoir eu des changements
> non autoris?s dans la base de donn?es WHOIS AFRINIC et que des enqu?tes
> internes ?taient en cours. Le conseil, en collaboration avec la direction,
> sous la tutelle du DG par int?rim, a pris la d?cision de demander l'aide
> d'un des RIR. Pour assurer une ?valuation ind?pendante ? travers une
> enqu?te interne, l'APNIC a ?t? s?lectionn?e pour mener les enqu?tes.
> L'APNIC a soumis un rapport qui confirme certaines des all?gations.
> L'affaire a ?t? signal?e ? la Division centrale des enqu?tes criminelles
> des forces de police de Maurice le mardi 10 d?cembre 2019 pour le
> compl?ment d'enqu?te et la suite ? donner. Malheureusement, nous ne
> pouvons, ? ce stade, rien ajouter de plus ? ce sujet afin de ne pas porter
> pr?judice ? l'enqu?te polici?re en cours.
> Dans l?intervalle, le DG est charg? d'instaurer des mesures internes pour
> limiter l'acc?s et ?viter la manipulation d'objets dans la base de donn?es
> WHOIS et pour suspendre ou r?voquer les parties impliqu?es et / ou
> suspectes qui ont acc?s ? l'infrastructure, aux services et ? d'autres
> ressources. Le Conseil examine actuellement les ressources suppl?mentaires
> et les actions qui seraient n?cessaires ? la contribution de l?enqu?te.
> 6. S?ance d'engagement communautaire du conseil
> Le Conseil a tenu sa deuxi?me s?ance d'engagement communautaire lors de la
> r?union AFRINIC 31 au cours de laquelle les participants ont soulev?
> plusieurs questions. Le conseil a ?galement pr?sent? le nouveau DG ? la
> communaut?. Il a ?galement r?pondu ? plusieurs questions des personnes
> pr?sentes sur place et des participants ? distance ? la r?union.
> 7. Budget 2020
> Le Conseil a approuv? le budget pour l'exercice 2020.
> Le budget des op?rations 2020 tient compte des facteurs suivants:
> ? 2020 est la derni?re ann?e du cycle actuel du Plan strat?gique
> ? AFRINIC atteindra la phase 2 du soft landing.
> De ce fait, une approche tr?s conservatrice a ?t? adopt?e afin de soutenir
> les activit?s et chiffres op?rationnelles ax?s sur les objectifs qui
> figuraient dans le Plan strat?gique mais qui n'?taient pas encore
> Nous pr?voyons pour l?ann?e 2020 une r?duction de nos revenus provenant
> des cotisations des nouveaux membres durant la deuxi?me phase du soft
> landing.
> Les co?ts op?rationels budg?tis? pour 2020 refl?tent la poursuite de
> l'ex?cution du plan strat?gique en accord avec le maintien de nos
> de service ?lev?s.
> Le budget des ressources humaines comprend le renforcement de la structure
> organisationnelle afin de r?pondre aux attentes accrues. Un nouveau aspect
> organisationel a ?t? ajout? pour reconna?tre la n?cessit? d'un engagement
> plus soutenu des parties prenantes. En outre, une attention particuli?re
> est aussi accord?e au renforcement de l?infrastructure de l?organisation.
> 8. Comit? de r?forme ad hoc
> Le Conseil a form? un comit? de r?forme ad hoc ? la suite des
> consultations avec la communaut? qui ont commenc? ? Kampala lors de
> l?AIS?19 en juin 2019. Le comit? ?valuera les d?fis auxquels est confront?
> AFRINIC et fera une recommandation au Conseil. Le Comit? est compos?:
> - d'anciens DG d'AFRINIC (M. Adiel Akplogan et M. Alan Barrett)
> - d?un ancien pr?sident AFRINIC (Dr Viv Padayatchy)
> - d?un repr?sentant du comit? de gouvernance (Dr. Alioune Traor?)
> - d?un repr?sentant RIR (M. Paul Wilson, PDG APNIC)
> - d?un repr?sentant du Conseil (Prof. Habib Youssef)
> 9. R?vision des tarifs
> Le Conseil a conclu les discussions sur la r?vision des tarifs AFRINIC et
> a d?cid? qu'il n'y aura aucun changement dans les cat?gories de tarifs
> actuelles. Cependant, ? l'approche de la phase 2 du soft landing, le
> Conseil a introduit deux nouvelles cat?gories de cotisations afin de
> les exigences de la politique soft landing pleinement applicables.
> Sign?
> Dr Christian D. Bope
> Pr?sident du conseil d'administration d?AFRINIC
> ????????????????.
> ???? ????
> Cybercity ? Ebene ? ???????? ? 16 ?????? 2019
> ?????? ????????
> ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?? ????? AFRINIC ???? ???.
> ???????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ????????
> ??? ????? ????? ????? ? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ???????? ?? 25
> ?????? 2019 ????? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???????
> ?? ????? 2019 ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ????? ???????. ???? ??? ? 43 ????? ? ???
> ?????? ?? 4 ?????? 2019. ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ?? ??????
> ???????? ??? ???? ???? ?? 20 ????? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????
> ????????? (CIO) ? ????? ????? ? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ??
> ????????? ????????? ??????????. ???? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? Eddy ?????
> ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????.
> 1. ????? ????????????
> ????? ??? ????? ???????????? ??????? 2016-2020 ?? ??????? ????? ???? ???
> ????? ????? ???????. ???? AFRINIC ???? ????? ????? ???????????? ???????.
> ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ???????????? 2021-2025 ???? AFRINIC 31.
> ????? ??????? ?? 30 ????? 2020. ???? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ????????????
> 2016-2020 ? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???????????? 2021-2025 ??
> https://afrinic.net/strategy#2016-2020.
> 2. ??????? ????????? ??????????
> ???? AFRINIC ??????? ???? ??? ??????? ????????? ??????????. ??? ??????
> ??????? ????????? ?? 13 ?????? 2019. ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????
> ????????? ?? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????????.
> 3. ??? ???? ???? ???? ??????? (?????? 6)
> ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????. ??? ???? ??????? ???
> ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??????. ??? ???????? ?? ??? ?????? ???
> ????????? ???????? ??? ??????
> .
> 4. ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? 2019
> ??? AFRINIC ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????. ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??
> ????? ??????? 2019 AFRINIC ??? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???????. ?? 28 ??????
> 2019 ? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ???? PwC. ?? ??????? ? ???? ????
> ????? ???????? ????? ?? ????????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ?????
> ????????. ?? 5 ?????? 2019 ? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ? ??? ?????? ????????
> ????? PwC ???? ?????? ?? ???????. ??? ???????? ????? ?? ??? ?????
> ?? PwC ? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? (???? ??????? ?????? ????? ???).
> ????? ??? ??? ? ???? AFRINIC ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???????
> ????? ?????? 15.3 (5) ?? ????? AFRINIC. ???? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????
> ???????? ?? ??????? ??????.
> 5. ????? ??? ??????? IP
> ??? ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????? ? ????? AFRINIC ????? ???????
> ???????? ?? ????? ?????? WHOIS ????? ???? ??? ??? ???????.
> ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ?? ??????
> AFRINIC 31 ? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ????????? ????? ???? ???? ?????.
> ??? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ????
> ?????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? WHOIS
> AFRINIC ??? ????????? ???????? ???? ?????. ??? ???? ??????? ? ????????? ??
> ??????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ?????
> ???????? ?????????. ?? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ? ?? ??????
> APNIC ?????? ?????????. ???? APNIC ?????? ???? ??? ?????????. ??????? ???
> ??????? ??? ???? ????????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ????????
> ???????? ? 10 ????? ????? / ?????? 2019 ????? ?? ????????? ??????????.
> ???? ? ?? ?????? ? ?? ??? ??????? ? ????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ???
> ????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????.
> ?? ???? ??? ? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ?
> ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? WHOIS ?????? ?? ????? ???????
> ???????? ? / ?? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???????
> ???????? ???????? ??????. ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ???????? ????????
> ??????? ??????????.
> 6. ???? ?????? ???? ???????
> ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ???? ?????? AFRINIC 31
> ???? ???? ????????? ????? ?????? ?? ???????. ??? ???? ??????? ????? ??????
> ???????? ?????? ??? ???????. ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??????
> ???? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ???.
> 7. ??????? 2020
> ???? ???? ??????? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? 2020.
> ???? ??????? ?????? ??? 2020 ?? ???????? ??????? ???????:
> ? 2020 ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ???????????? 2016-2020.
> ? AFRINIC ??? ??? Soft Landing Phase 2.
> ????? ??? ??? ? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????????
> ????????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???????????? ???? ??
> ????? ???
> 2020 ????? ??? ???? ????????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????
> ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????.
> ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????????? ???? 2020 ??????? ????? ?????
> ???????????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ??????.
> ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????????. ???
> ????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ???????.
> ???????? ??? ??? ? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????.
> 8. ???? ??????? ???????
> ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ??
> ?????? ???? ??? ???????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? 2019. ????? ?????? ??????
> ???????? ???? ????? AFRINIC ?????? ????? ??? ??????. ????? ?????? ??:
> - ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? (????? ???? ???????? ?????? ????
> ?????)
> - ???? AFRINIC ?????? (?. ??? ?????????)
> - ???? ???? ??????? (?. ????? ??????)
> - ???? RIR (????? ??? ?????? ? ?????? ???????? ????? APNIC)
> - ???? ???? ??????? (?. ???? ????)
> 9. ?????? ??????
> ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? AFRINIC ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?????
> ?? ???? ?????? ???????. ??? ??? ? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? Soft
> ? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ????? Soft
> Landing 2 ????? ??????? ???????.
> ????
> ??????? ???????? ?
> ???? ???? ????? ??????
> ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
> Comunicado
> Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius, 16 de dezembro de 2019
> Queridos colegas,
> A Diretoria gostaria de compartilhar as seguintes informa??es com a
> comunidade AFRINIC em geral.
> Conclus?o do processo de busca do CEO
> Ap?s um processo rigoroso de recrutamento, o Conselho anunciou a nomea??o
> do Sr. Eddy Kayihura em 25 de outubro de 2019 como o novo CEO para
> substituir o Sr. Alan Barrett, que deixou a organiza??o em julho de 2019,
> depois de servir por quase cinco anos. Eddy, 43 anos, ingressou na empresa
> em 4 de novembro de 2019. O novo CEO traz uma vasta experi?ncia adquirida
> ao longo de um per?odo de mais de 20 anos como CEO, CIO, engenheiro de
> e software. desenvolvedor entre outras posi??es no setor de TI e
> telecomunica??es. Solicitamos que nossos membros ofere?am a Eddy o
> o espa?o e a autonomia necess?rios para liderar a organiza??o com sucesso.
> 1. Plano Estrat?gico
> A vida do atual Plano Estrat?gico 2016-2020 est? chegando ao fim e ?
> necess?rio desenvolver o pr?ximo. A AFRINIC publicou uma avalia??o do
> Plano Estrat?gico. Tamb?m lan?amos consultas sobre o Plano Estrat?gico
> 2021-2025 durante o AFRINIC 31. A fase de consulta ser? encerrada em 30 de
> abril de 2020. Consulte a avalia??o do Plano Estrat?gico 2016-2020 e o
> cronograma para o desenvolvimento do Plano Estrat?gico 2021-2025 em
> https://afrinic.net/strategy#2016-2020.
> 2. Diretrizes eleitorais
> A AFRINIC vem realizando consultas p?blicas sobre as Diretrizes
> Eleitorais. O prazo final para coment?rios foi 13 de dezembro de 2019. O
> Conselho ir? compilar e incorporar o feedback na vers?o final das
> Diretrizes Eleitorais.
> 3. Preenchimento de vagas ocasionais na ?frica Oriental (sede 6)
> A vaga no Conselho para a ?frica Oriental est? vaga desde outubro. O
> Conselho decidiu preencher a vaga de acordo com o processo seguido no
> passado. Os interessados ??em contestar a vaga devem preencher o
> encontrado em
> .
> 4. Auditor Externo para o Exerc?cio de 2019
> A AFRINIC tem um requisito estatut?rio para nomear um Auditor Externo. O
> Auditor Externo designado para o EF de 2019 informou a AFRINIC de que n?o
> estar? dispon?vel para realizar o exerc?cio. Em 28 de outubro de 2019, o
> Conselho recebeu uma carta de demiss?o da PwC. Na carta, a PwC declarou
> sua demiss?o se baseava na avalia??o de risco sem entrar em detalhes. Em 5
> de novembro de 2019, em nome do Conselho, o CEO escreveu ? PwC solicitando
> mais explica??es. Depois de esperar mais de um m?s para receber
> da PwC, o Conselho decidiu compartilhar a carta (acess?vel apenas aos
> membros). Al?m disso, a AFRINIC identificou um novo Auditor Externo para
> preencher a vaga ocasional conforme a se??o 15.3 (v) da Constitui??o da
> AFRINIC. O nome do Auditor ser? anunciado assim que as negocia??es do
> contrato forem finalizadas.
> 5. Atualiza??o na investiga??o de IP
> Como mencionado no nosso an?ncio anterior sobre o assunto, o AFRINIC tem
> abordado a quest?o de atividades suspeitas no banco de dados WHOIS que
> afetaram alguns recursos.
> Al?m da comunica??o da Diretoria durante o exerc?cio de Engajamento da
> Comunidade na reuni?o da AFRINIC 31, reafirmamos que a Diretoria iniciou
> investiga??es assim que soube do assunto. A quest?o foi trazida ? aten??o
> do Conselho pela primeira vez ap?s a ren?ncia do ex-CEO que informou o
> Conselho que poderia haver algumas altera??es n?o autorizadas no banco de
> dados WHOIS do AFRINIC e que as investiga??es internas estavam em
> andamento. O Conselho, em conjunto com a ger?ncia liderada pelo CEO
> Interino, decidiu procurar assist?ncia de um dos RIRs. Para garantir uma
> avalia??o independente e uma investiga??o interna, a APNIC foi selecionada
> para liderar as investiga??es. A APNIC apresentou um relat?rio que
> algumas das alega??es. O assunto foi relatado ? Divis?o Central de
> Investiga??o Criminal da For?a Policial de Maur?cio na ter?a-feira, 10 de
> dezembro de 2019, para investiga??o e a??o adicionais. Infelizmente, n?o
> podemos, nesta fase, acrescentar mais nada sobre o assunto para n?o
> prejudicar a investiga??o policial em andamento.
> Enquanto isso, o CEO tem a tarefa de instituir medidas internas para
> limitar o acesso e evitar a manipula??o de objetos no banco de dados WHOIS
> e suspender ou revogar partes implicadas e / ou suspeitas que tenham
> ? infraestrutura, servi?os e outros recursos. A Diretoria est?
> quais recursos adicionais seriam necess?rios durante o curso da
> investiga??o e a??o.
> 6. Sess?o de envolvimento da comunidade da diretoria
> A Diretoria realizou seu segundo exerc?cio de Engajamento da Comunidade
> durante a reuni?o do AFRINIC 31, durante a qual os participantes
> v?rias quest?es. O Conselho tamb?m apresentou o novo CEO ? comunidade.
> Tamb?m apresentou v?rias perguntas, tanto no local quanto nos
> remotamente da reuni?o.
> 7. Or?amento 2020
> O Conselho aprovou o or?amento para o ano fiscal de 2020.
> O or?amento de opera??es para 2020 toma conhecimento dos seguintes
> ? 2020 ? o ?ltimo ano do ciclo atual do Plano Estrat?gico 2016-2020.
> ? O AFRINIC est? chegando ? Fase 2 de Soft Landing.
> Como resultado do exposto, adotou-se uma abordagem muito conservadora para
> derivar os n?meros e as atividades operacionais focadas nos objetivos que
> apareceram no Plano Estrat?gico, mas que ainda estavam para serem
> A meta de receita de taxas para 2020 pressup?e que as novas ades?es
> continuar?o a crescer em um ritmo mais lento durante a segunda fase do
> Landing.
> Os custos operacionais or?ados para 2020 refletem a execu??o cont?nua do
> Plano Estrat?gico, mantendo altos padr?es de n?vel de servi?o.
> O or?amento de Recursos Humanos inclui o refor?o da estrutura para atender
> ao aumento das expectativas. Uma nova ?rea de foco foi adicionada para
> reconhecer a necessidade de um maior envolvimento das partes interessadas.
> Al?m disso, aten??o especial est? sendo dada ao fortalecimento da
> infraestrutura da organiza??o.
> 8. Comit? de Reforma Ad-Hoc
> A Diretoria formou um Comit? de Reforma Ad-Hoc ap?s consultas da
> comunidade iniciadas em Kampala durante a C?pula da Internet na ?frica em
> junho de 2019. A comiss?o avaliar? os desafios enfrentados pela AFRINIC e
> far? uma recomenda??o ? Diretoria. O Comit? ? composto por:
> - Ex-CEOs da AFRINIC (Sr. Adiel Akplogan e Sr. Alan Barrett)
> - Ex-presidente da AFRINIC (Dr. Viv Padayatchy)
> - Representante do Comit? de Governan?a (Dr. Alioune Traore)
> - representante do RIR (Sr. Paul Wilson, CEO APNIC)
> - Representante do Conselho (Prof. Habib Youssef)
> 9. Revis?o de Taxas
> O Conselho concluiu as discuss?es de revis?o de taxas da AFRINIC e decidiu
> que n?o haver? altera??es nas categorias de tarifas atuais. No entanto,
> a fase 2 do Soft Landing se aproximando, a Diretoria introduziu duas novas
> categorias de taxas para tornar os requisitos da pol?tica do fase 2 do
> Landing totalmente implement?veis.
> Assinado
> Dr. Christian D. Bope
> Presidente do Conselho de Administra??o da AFRINIC
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