[kictanet] Invitation to Data Protection Forum and Submission of Comments to Kenya Data Protection Bills (Thursday 23 August, 2018)

Ephraim Percy Kenyanito ekenyanito at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 10:25:54 EAT 2018

    Dear partner ,

    Greetings from ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa.

    ARTICLE 19 in partnership with the *Centre for Intellectual Property
    and Information Technology*Law (*CIPIT*- Strathmore University Law
    School) and Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANET) seek to convene a
    one day Data Protection Dialogue Forum from *8**am – 5:30pm*on
    /*Thursday 23 August, 2018). */

    While, the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 guarantees freedom of
    expression and the right to privacy, under Article 31 and 33; Kenya
    lacks a legally binding comprehensive data protection framework
    while also retaining laws which are broad and can be used to
    infringe on privacy on citizen data.

    The lack of a comprehensive data protection law and existence of
    laws that can be broadly interpreted to allow for free collection of
    personal data, storage, usage, and dissemination to other parties
    has created a situation where citizens are not notified whenever
    their data is collected and do not have remedies whenever their data
    is breached on unnecessarily retained by both public and private actors.

We note that the ICT committees of the Senate led by Hon Gideon Moi has 
drafted a Data Protection Bill 2018 and similarly, the Ministry of ICT 
Taskforce on the Development of the Policy and Regulatory Framework for 
Privacy and Data Protection in Kenya, chaired by Communications 
Authority’s Mercy Wanjau has developed a Policy and a draft Data 
Protection Bill aimed at a Regulatory Framework for Privacy and Data 
Protection in Kenya and to fill this gap.

Please find below the links to the Data Protection Policy and Ministry 
Bill and the Senate Bill.



It is with this in mind that the 3 partner organizations and will be 
meeting multiple data protection experts, lawyers, academia/ data 
scientists, CSOs, journalists and bloggers to collate recommendations 
for policy reform on from *8**am – 5:30pm*on /*Thursday 23 August, 
2018)*/at Strathmore Law School.

Kindly confirm your availability at your earliest convenience to 
_ephraim at article19.org <mailto:ephraim at article19.org>_

Please note that even though you might not be able to participate 
physically, you can nominate a representative or comment on this bills 
and Policy via the links above.

We look forward to your participation.

Best regards,


Best Regards,
Ephraim Percy Kenyanito
Digital Programme Officer

W _https://www.article19.org/regional-office/eastern-africa/
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_PGP Fingerprint: B0FA394AF73DEB7AA1FDC7360CFED26DE6BA8DC1

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