[kictanet] IFES Expulsion: Is Kenya hostile to Social Entrepreneurship?

Watila Alex awatila at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jan 1 23:09:40 EAT 2017

"Kenya: High Court Suspends NGO Board Order on IFES" #newspapers #feedly https://t.co/YEmGh7d6ky

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  On Sun, 1 Jan, 2017 at 21:46, John Kieti via kictanet<kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:   Happy New Year!
Let us for a moment put aside the political undertone in the Expulsion of IFES. Let us consider only the technicalities involved. 
Apparently it is wrong that IFES is registered as a limited company, for it to appear to undertake public benefit kind of activities. Social enterprises by definition aim to achieve a social mission while applying commercial practices. Many tech entrepreneurs are attracted to this model especially where there are deep rooted social problems of concern to them. 
Still focussing on the technicalities rather than the electoral year context, does it make sense to force a commercial business to become an NGO once they are seen to undertake activities yielding public benefit?

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