[kictanet] BLOCKCHAINS - Get in the Conversation and Perhaps Conversion..Digital Currency

Wangari Kabiru wangarikabiru at yahoo.co.uk
Mon May 16 19:17:49 EAT 2016

Warm Greetings Grace, Greetings Brian,

Ashis focus was on the humanitarian angle he is working in.

Ric had the details on the marketplace.

Someone must've a 'KenyaCoin'??

Blessed day.

Regards/Wangari On May 16, 2016 18:31, Brian Muhia via kictanet <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
> I've been studying private blockchain systems for a few months (IntelLedger, Ethereum and Multichain), and I have used both Bitcoin and Ethereum. I'm available for comment. Curiously, Ashish didn't mention Slock.it, which has published a project called The DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization. This is a system that uses smart contracts (cue Larry Lessig's "Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace") to automate governance decisions, using a custom-built currency to facilitate voting rights. They're governed by code, stored on the Ethereum block chain. Here's a primer on the concept: https://blog.slock.it/a-primer-to-the-decentralized-autonomous-organization-dao-69fb125bd3cd#.x3h9xh5xd
> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 5:24 PM Grace Mutung'u (Bomu) via kictanet <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
>> Wangari, 
>> Our very own Rosemary is an expert in the area of digital currency practice and policy. 
>> Thank you proposing this discussion for this year's IGF, it is noted for consideration by the community. 
>> Regards, 
>> 2016-05-16 17:12 GMT+03:00 Wangari Kabiru via kictanet <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>:
>>> Happy Monday!
>>> Pray you are well.
>>> Today I have learnt on Blockchains and I am delighted to share of. Learnt from Ashis Gadnis - BANQUAPP.COM and Ric Shreves.
>>> Any persons in this community  in the field?
>>> The last time this discussion was here it was CBK and Bitcoin rundowns and the Ministry. Globally a lot is happening.
>>> The discussion is beyond financial services into data management, humanitarian data and refugee transfers services...and more.
>>> This community needs to have sharp deliberations on this at this year's IGF.
>>> <<< start notes>>>
>>> BTC4D @ ICT4D on 16/05/2016
>>> 'The blockchain is the new black..'
>>> First overlay is the web
>>> Second is blockchain - trust layer
>>> Challenge old ways, disrupt governance and centralised authority for enforcing transactions
>>> What is;
>>> A block chain is a distributed ledger via peer-to-peer 
>>> Chain of digital signatures
>>> Protocal for exchanging value over internet without an intermediary
>>> A technology that allows people to exchange trust over transactions - Bank of England
>>> Critical elements in old times is trust.
>>> A block chain is another type of database for recording transactions - one that is copied to all computers
>>> Blockchain can be more than digital currency eg Asset tokenisation - transaction metadata used for transactions
>>> Structure;
>>> Data stored in structures called blocks.
>>> Elements; Header, Content - validated list of assets
>>> 15M - No. of Bitcoins in circulation
>>> 20B - Maximum no.of Bitcoins (2140), algorithm - manage inflation (unlike Ksh, $)
>>> $56M - 24hour Turnover of Bitcoins
>>> $746 M - Ethirium, 2nd Digital Currency
>>> Volatility of Bitcoin 1.24%
>>> 2013 +
>>> 2014 -
>>> 2015 +
>>> Other Blockchains;
>>> Best known are public; Litecoin, BitShares, Dogecoin, Namecoin.
>>> Others are private
>>> Types; unpermissioned, permissioned
>>> Newer ones;
>>> Ethereum, Microsoft BaaS - Blockchain as a Service
>>> Blockchain can be as a;
>>> Platform - build others on it
>>> Software
>>> What is happening;
>>> R3 working with 40+ banks
>>> Visa working on an independent proof of concept
>>> Citi has 3 blockchains and own digital currency (Citicoin)
>>> SEC, USA Stock Exchange
>>> The playe
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