[kictanet] Internet, phones blocked as House debates election laws - Politics and policy

Tony White tony.mzungu at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 07:59:03 EAT 2016

Technology to locally disable gsm devices has been available
commercially for a long time, and is typically used in some countries
in areas you are asked not to use mobile phones, such as cinemas.  I'm
not sure if this tech is legal here.  Advice from CA is needed.

I am guessing, but I think the reported blocking of 'internet' was
only via gsm, and was blocked as a consequence of blocking the gsm

Whether such localised blocking of communications is permissible is
debatable, but it certainly gives cause for concern.

I think clear direction is needed ahead of August 2017


On 21/12/2016, Ali Hussein via kictanet <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
> Listers
> Security personal yesterday blocked the internet, phones in and around
> parliament buildings during a special session to discuss the budget and
> amendments to the electoral law to allow for alternative manual transmission
> of electoral results in the event the electronic systems fail.
> Read on:-
> http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Internet--phones-blocked-as-House-debates-election-laws/539546-3493404-item-0-l9ge6u/index.html
> A few weeks ago we discussed this issue of shutting down communication
> channels during crises across African countries.
> Well now you have your answer.
> If the government can shut down parliamentarians imagine what they can do to
> the rest of the country.
> Ali Hussein
> Principal
> Hussein & Associates
> +254 0713 601113
> Twitter: @AliHKassim
> Skype: abu-jomo
> LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim
> "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what
> no one else has thought".  ~ Albert Szent-Györgyi
> Sent from my iPad

Tony White

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